Assistant Secretary Jose Fernandez Traveling to Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Indonesia

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
August 1, 2012


Assistant Secretary for Economic and Business Affairs Jose W. Fernandez will travel to Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Indonesia August 2-9 to meet with economic officials and business representatives and to discuss ways to deepen our economic ties in the Asia-Pacific region.

Assistant Secretary Fernandez will travel to Hong Kong August 2-5 to meet with economic officials and business representatives. He will speak at an American Chamber of Commerce luncheon about the relationship between economic progress and strong diplomatic ties. Assistant Secretary Fernandez will also speak with leaders from the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce about U.S. economic engagement and inward investment. He will discuss investment and financial issues during meetings with the Hong Kong Financial Secretary, the CEO of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, U.S. financial services-related experts, and U.S. corporate executives for the Asia-Pacific region.

Consistent with his responsibilities to promote U.S. exports worldwide, Assistant Secretary Fernandez will travel to Taipei August 5-7 to meet with policy makers, economic officials and U.S. and Taiwan business representatives. Taiwan is the United States’ tenth-largest trading partner and fifteenth-largest export market. He will speak at several outreach events: a dinner highlighting the SelectUSA initiative, a program to attract and support business investment in the United States; a breakfast for travel agencies and airline executives about Travel USA, an initiative to enhance travel and tourism to the United States; and a luncheon with the American Chamber of Commerce, where he will discuss U.S. economic engagement in the Asia-Pacific region and enhancing the U.S. economic relationship with Taiwan.

Assistant Secretary Fernandez will travel August 7-9 to Jakarta, where he will meet with economic officials and business representatives. While there, he will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Industry to promote infrastructure investment cooperation. He will visit a field trial of a U.S.-produced genetically engineered crop undergoing testing. He will give remarks about agricultural biotechnology at the Indonesia-Philippines Biotech Regulators Meeting Closing Session and speak at a buka puasa with Indonesian business leaders at the Ambassador’s Residence. He will also give a presentation about entrepreneurship and the U.S.-Indonesia economic relationship to students at the University of Indonesia’s Faculty of Economics.

For updates, follow Assistant Secretary Fernandez on Facebook and Twitter @EconEngage.

PRN: 2012/1249

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