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2009–2005 2004–2002 2001–1999 1998–1979

Following is a list of National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) publications. Most are available as Adobe Acrobat PDF files. The PDF files for some of NRMRL's older publications were created using scanned images; this approach may result in some large file sizes and slower viewing, downloading, and printing.

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1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1987 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979


Handbook, Advanced Photochemical Oxidation Processes (PDF) (97 pp, 1.8 MB) (EPA/625/R-98/004) December 1998 – Abstract

Capsule Report, Hard Chrome Fume Suppressants and Control Technologies (PDF) (34 pp, 476 KB) (EPA/625/R-98/002) December 1998 – Abstract

Technical Approaches to Characterizing and Cleaning Up Iron and Steel Mill Sites Under the Brownfields Initiative (PDF) (68 pp, 743 KB) (EPA/625/R-98/007) November 1998 – Abstract

Providing Solutions for a Better Tomorrow, A Progress Report on U.S. EPA's Drinking Water Treatment Technology Demonstrations in Ecuador, Mexico, and China (PDF) (11 pp, 342 KB) (EPA/600/F-98/008) October 1998 – Abstract

Technical Protocol for Evaluating Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Ground Water (PDF) (248 pp, 2.5 MB) (EPA/600/R-98/128) September 1998

Permeable Reactive Barrier Technologies for Contaminant Remediation (PDF) (102 pp, 944 KB) (EPA/600/R-98/125) September 1998

Seminars: Monitored Natural Attenuation for Ground Water (PDF) (145 pp, 4.6 MB) (EPA/625/K-98/001) September 1998 – Abstract

National Conference on Management and Treatment of Contaminated Sediments, Proceedings, Cincinnati, OH, May 13-14, 1997 (PDF) (155 pp, 2.7 MB) (EPA/625/R-98/001) August 1998 – Abstract

Handbook, Optimizing Water Treatment Plant Performance Using the Composite Correction Program (PDF) (246 pp, 5.07 MB) (EPA/625/6-91/027) August 1998 – Abstract

Application of the Electromagnetic Borehole Flowmeter (PDF) (71 pp, 592 KB) (EPA/600/R-98/058) August 1998

NATO/CCMS Pilot Study, Clean Products and Processes (Phase I) 1998 Annual Report (PDF) (70 pp, 191 KB) (EPA/600/R-98/065) June 1998 – Abstract

EPA Standards Network Fact Sheet, ISO 14000: International Environmental Management Standards (PDF) (7 pp, 122 KB) (EPA/625/F-97/004) April 1998 – Abstract

Research Plan for Endocrine Disruptors (PDF) (55 pp, 316 KB) (EPA/600/R-98/087) February 1998 – Abstract

Estimation of Infiltration Rate in the Vadose Zone: Compilation of Simple Mathematical Models (EPA/600/R-97/128) February 1998
Volume I (PDF) (84 pp, 410 KB)
Volume II (PDF) (117 pp, 2.6 MB)

Ground Water Issue, Steam Injection for Soil and Aquifer Remediation (PDF) (16 pp, 648 KB) (EPA/540/S-97/505) January 1998

A GIS-Based Modal Model of Automobile Exhaust Emissions (PDF) (185 pp, 2.5 MB) (EPA/600/R-98/097) 1998 – Abstract

Parameter Estimation of Two-Fluid Capillary Pressure-Saturation and Permeability Functions (PDF) (97 pp, 1.2 MB) (EPA/600/R-98/046) 1998

Storage/Sedimentation Facilities for Control of Storm and Combined Sewer Overflows: Design Manual (PDF) (208 pp, 11.5 MB) (EPA/600/R-98/006) 1998 – Abstract

Reduction of Arsenic Wastes in the Semiconductor Industry (PDF) (61 pp, 1.26 MB) (EPA/600/R-02/089) 1998 – Abstract

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Proceedings: National Watershed Water Quality Project Symposium (PDF) (237 pp, 13.9 MB) (EPA/625/R-97/008) December 1997 – Abstract

Capsule Report, Sources and Air Emission Control Technologies at Waste Management Facilities (PDF) (28 pp, 678 KB) (EPA/625/R-97/002) December 1997 – Abstract

Treatment Technology Performance and Cost Data for Remediation of Wood Preserving Sites (PDF) (122 pp, 2.1 MB) (EPA/625/R-97/009) October 1997 – Abstract

ISO 14000, Resource Directory (PDF) (78 pp, 973 KB) (EPA/625/R-97/003) October 1997 – Abstract

Risk Management Research Plan for Ecosystem Restoration in Watersheds (PDF) (24 pp, 208 KB) (EPA/600/R-97/078) September 1997

Ground Water Issue, Design Guidelines for Conventional Pump-and-Treat Systems (PDF) (38 pp, 1.21 MB) (EPA/540/S-97/504) September 1997

Handbook, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems for Non-Criteria Pollutants (PDF) (169 pp, 2.5 MB) (EPA/625/R-97/001) August 1997 – Abstract

Capsule Report, Aqueous Mercury Treatment (PDF) (38 pp, 1.1 MB) (EPA/625/R-97/004) July 1997 – Abstract

Ground Water Issue, How Heat Can Enhance In Situ Soil and Aquifer Remediation: Important Chemical Properties and Guidance on Choosing the Appropriate Technique (PDF) (18 pp, 92 KB) (EPA/540/S-97/502) April 1997

Ground Water Model Testing: Systematic Evaluation and Testing of Code Functionality and Performance (PDF) (316 pp, 3.8 MB) (EPA/600/R-97/007) February 1997

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Seminar Publication, Managing Environmental Problems at Inactive and Abandoned Metals Mine Sites (PDF) (99 pp, 9.1 MB) (EPA/625/R-95/007) October 1996 – Abstract

Capsule Report, Reverse Osmosis Process (PDF) (13 pp, 276 KB) (EPA/625/R-96/009) September 1996 – Abstract

Capsule Report, Evaporation Process (PDF) (12 pp, 205 KB) (EPA/625/R-96/008) September 1996 – Abstract

Seminar Publication, National Conference on Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) (PDF) (602 pp, 9.2 MB) (EPA/625/R-96/007) September 1996 – Abstract

Manual, Best Management Practices for Pollution Prevention in the Slabstock and Molded Flexible Polyurethane Foam Industry (PDF) (58 pp, 733 KB) (EPA/625/R-96/005) September 1996 – Abstract

Manual, Pollution Prevention in the Paints and Coatings Industry (PDF) (205 pp, 21 MB) (EPA/625/R-96/003) September 1996 – Abstract

Stagnation Time, Composition, pH, and Orthophosphate Effects on Metal Leaching From Brass (PDF) (207 pp, 7.9 MB) (EPA/600/R-96/103) September 1996 – Abstract

Pump-and-Treat Ground Water Remediation, A Guide for Decision Makers and Practitioners (PDF) (90 pp, 2.4 MB) (EPA/625/R-95/005) July 1996 – Abstract

Seminars, Bioremediation of Hazardous Waste Sites: Practical Approaches to Implementation (PDF) (232 pp, 5.2 MB) (EPA/625/K-96/001) May 1996 – Abstract

Ground Water Issue, Low-Flow (Minimal Drawdown) Ground Water Sampling Procedures (PDF) (12 pp, 80 KB) (EPA/540/S-95/504) April 1996

Summary Report, Control of NOx Emissions by Reburning (PDF) (79 pp, 5.7 MB) (EPA/625/R-96/001) February 1996 – Abstract

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Effect of pH, DIC, Orthophosphate and Sulfate on Drinking Water Cuprosolvency (PDF) (107 pp, 561 KB) (EPA/600/R-95/085) June 1995 - Abstract

Process Design Manual, Land Application of Sewage Sludge and Domestic Septage (PDF) (301 pp, 4.9 MB) (EPA/625/R-95/001) September 1995

Combustion Modification Control of Nitrogen Oxides, Taking Research From Concept to Implementation (PDF) (9 pp, 105 KB) (EPA/600/F-95/012) August 1995 – Abstract

Calcium Carbonate Dissolution Rate in Limestone Contactors (PDF) (112 pp, 3 MB) (EPA/600/R-95/068) July 1995 – Abstract

Ground Water Issue, Nonaqueous Phase Liquids Compatibility With Materials Used in Well Construction, Sampling, and Remediation (PDF) (14 pp, 76 KB) (EPA/540/S-95/503) July 1995

Manual, Ground Water and Leachate Treatment Systems (PDF) (135 pp, 12.3 MB) (EPA/625/R-94/005) January 1995 – Abstract

Ground Water Issue, Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (PDF) (28 pp, 244 KB) (EPA/540/S-95/500) 1995

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Environmental Regulations and Technology, Managing Used Motor Oil (PDF) (77 pp, 5.6 MB) (EPA/625/R-94/010) December 1994 – Abstract

EPA Ground Water Issue, Natural Attenuation of Hexavalent Chromium in Ground Water and Soils (PDF) (12 pp, 460 KB) (EPA/540/5-94/505) October 1994

Environmental Planning for Small Communities, A Guide for Local Decision Makers (PDF) (156 pp, 1.7 MB) (EPA/625/R-94/009) September 1994 – Abstract

Seminar Publication, Design, Operation, and Closure of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills (PDF) (91 pp, 9.3 MB) (EPA/625/R-94/008) September 1994 – Abstract

Guide to Cleaner Technologies, Alternative Metal Finishes (PDF) (64 pp, 4 MB) (EPA/625/R-94/007) September 1994 – Abstract

Guide to Cleaner Technologies, Organic Coating Replacements (PDF) (96 pp, 5.6 MB) (EPA/625/R-94/006) September 1994 – Abstract

Guide to Septage Treatment and Disposal (PDF) (73 pp, 6.56 MB) (EPA/625/R-94/002) September 1994 – Abstract

Radon Prevention in the Design and Construction of Schools and Other Large Buildings (PDF) (50 pp, 4.1 MB) (EPA/625/R-92/016) June 1994 – Abstract

Handbook, Control Techniques for Fugitive VOC Emissions From Chemical Process Facilities (PDF) (165 pp, 11.45 MB) (EPA/625/R-93/005) March 1994 – Abstract

Guide to Cleaner Technologies, Cleaning and Degreasing Process Changes (PDF) (46 pp, 4.7 MB) (EPA/625/R-93/017) February 1994 – Abstract

Guide to Cleaner Technologies, Alternatives to Chlorinated Solvents for Cleaning and Degreasing (PDF) (50 pp, 5.2 MB) (EPA/625/R-93/016) February 1994 – Abstract

Guide to Cleaner Technologies, Organic Coating Removal (PDF) (54 pp, 5.3 MB) (EPA/625/R-93/015) February 1994 – Abstract

Ground Water Sampling – A Workshop Summary (158 pp, 913 KB) (EPA/600/R-94/205) 1994

Treatment Wetland Habitat and Wildlife Use Assessment and North American Treatment Wetland Database Version 2.0 (EPA/600/C-94/002) 1994 – Abstract

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Handbook, Approaches for the Remediation of Federal Facilities Sites Contaminated With Explosive or Radioactive Wastes (PDF) (127 pp, 11.9 MB) (EPA/625/R-93/013) September 1993 – Abstract

R-EMAP, Regional Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (PDF) (96 pp, 8.7 MB) (EPA/625/R-93/012) September 1993 – Abstract

Manual, Combined Sewer Overflow Control (PDF) (102 pp, 9.9 MB) (EPA/625/R-93/007) September 1993 – Abstract

Handbook, Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention and Control Planning (PDF) (222 pp, 20.7 MB) (EPA/625/R-93/004) September 1993 – Abstract

Use of Airborne, Surface, and Borehole Geophysical Techniques at Contaminated Sites, A Reference Guide (PDF) (285 pp, 5.7 MB) (EPA/625/R-92/007) September 1993 – Abstract

Guides to Pollution Prevention, Non-Agricultural Pesticide Users (PDF) (66 pp, 4.4 MB) (EPA/625/R-93/009) July 1993 – Abstract

Seminar Publication, Control of Lead and Copper in Drinking Water (PDF) (115 pp, 11.9 MB) (EPA/625/R-93/001) May 1993 – Abstract

Preventing Waterborne Disease, A Focus on EPA's Research (PDF) (23 pp, 672 KB) (EPA/640/K-93/001) April 1993 – Abstract

Seminar Publication, Wellhead Protection: A Guide for Small Communities (PDF) (155 pp, 16.4 MB) (EPA/625/R-93/002) February 1993 – Abstract

Ground Water Issue, Suggested Operating Procedures for Aquifer Pumping Tests (PDF) (23 pp, 300 KB) (EPA/540/S-93/503) February 1993

Investigation of Inappropriate Pollutant Entries Into Storm Drainage Systems, A User's Guide (PDF) (98 pp, 11.2 MB) (EPA/600/R-92/238) January 1993 – Abstract

Metals Treatment at Superfund Sites by Adsorptive Filtration (EPA/540/R-93/515) 1993

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Ground Water Issue, Behavior of Metals in Soils (PDF) (25 pp, 236 KB) (EPA/540/S-92/018) October 1992

Manual, Guidelines for Water Reuse (PDF) (260 pp, 18.2 MB) (EPA/625/R-92/004) September 1992 – Abstract

Ground Water Issue, Fundamentals of Ground Water Modeling (PDF) (11 pp, 88 KB) (EPA/540/S-92/005) April 1992

Ground Water Issue, Evaluation of Soil Venting Application (PDF) (7 pp, 72 KB) (EPA/540/S-92/004) April 1992

Ground Water Issue, In Situ Bioremediation of Contaminated Ground Water (PDF) (11 pp, 132 KB) (EPA/540/S-92/003) February 1992

General Methods for Remedial Operation Performance Evaluations (PDF) (45 pp, 233 KB) (EPA/600/R-92/002) January 1992

Ground Water Issue, TCE Removal From Contaminated Soil and Ground Water (PDF) (10 pp, 52 KB) (EPA/540/S-92/002) January 1992

Ground Water Issue, Chemical Enhancements to Pump-and-Treat Remediation (PDF) (20 pp, 368 KB) (EPA/540/S-92/001) January 1992

User's Guide to Flexible Membrane Liner Advisory Expert System: Flex Version 3.0 (EPA/600/C-92/006) 1992 – Abstract

User's Guide to Closure Evaluation System: CES Beta-Test Version 1.0 (EPA/600/C-92/005) 1992 – Abstract

User's Guide to Geosynthetic Modeling System: GM System Version 1.1 (EPA/600/C-92/004) 1992 – Abstract

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Guides to Pollution Prevention, The Automotive Repair Industry (PDF) (50 pp, 2.4 MB) (EPA/625/7-91/013) October 1991 – Abstract

Manual, Alternative Wastewater Collection Systems (PDF) (218 pp, 17.4 MB) (EPA/625/1-91/024) October 1991 – Abstract

Handbook, Material Recovery Facilities for Municipal Solid Waste (PDF) (187 pp, 3.05 MB) (EPA/625/6-91/031) September 1991 – Abstract

Always a River, Supplemental Environmental Education Curriculum on the Ohio River and Water, Grades K-12 (PDF)* (294 pp, 1.2 MB) (AWBERC-91-09) September 1991 – Abstract

Ground Water Issue, Characterizing Soils for Hazardous Waste Site Assessments (PDF) (16 pp, 476 KB) (EPA/540/4-91/003) March 1991

Ground Water Issue, Dense Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (PDF) (21 pp, 672 KB) (EPA/540/4-91/002) March 1991

Ground Water Issue, Reductive Dehalogenation of Organic Contaminants in Soils and Ground Water (PDF) (12 pp, 92 KB) (EPA/540/4-90/054) January 1991

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Ground Water Issue, Basic Concepts of Contaminant Sorption at Hazardous Waste Sites (PDF) (7 pp, 44 KB) (EPA/540/4-90/053) October 1990

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Handbook, Guidance on Setting Permit Conditions and Reporting Trial Burn Results, Volume II of the Hazardous Waste Incineration Guidance Series (PDF) (224 pp, 17.3 MB) (EPA/625/6-89/019) January 1989 – Abstract

Superfund Ground Water Issue, Facilitated Transport (PDF) (5 pp, 32 KB) (EPA/540/4-89/003) August 1989

Superfund Ground Water Issue, Accuracy of Depth to Water Measurements (PDF) (3 pp, 20 KB) (EPA/540/4-89/002) March 1989

Superfund Ground Water Issue, Ground Water Sampling for Metals Analyses (PDF) (6 pp, 36 KB) (EPA/540/4-89/001) March 1989

Ground Water Issue, Performance Evaluations of Pump-and-Treat Remediation (PDF) (19 pp, 1.2 MB) (EPA/540/4-89/005) 1989

Superfund Ground Water Issue, Contaminant Transport in Fractured Media: Models for Decision Makers (PDF) (8 pp, 48 KB) (EPA/540/4-89/004) 1989

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Limestone Bed Contactors for Control of Corrosion at Small Water Utilities (PDF) (221 pp, 6.4 MB) (EPA/600/2-86/099) February 1987 – Abstract
Project Summary (PDF) (4 pp, 297 KB)

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Process Design Manual, Land Treatment of Municipal Wastewater (PDF) (477 pp, 20.2 MB) (EPA/625/1-81/013) October 1981 – Abstract

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Design Manual, Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems (PDF) (411 pp, 23.9 MB) (EPA/625/1-80/012) October 1980 – Abstract

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Process Design Manual for Sludge Treatment and Disposal (PDF) (1,152 pp, 258 MB) (EPA/625/1-79/011) September 1979 – Abstract

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