Christmas Presence – Another Holiday Separated and Away

This Friday marks the third consecutive Christmas service members from 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group have been deployed in Afghanistan. The time spent away from our families and the hardships endured operating in austere locations are also borne by our NATO partners. The Hungarian and Romanian Special Operations Task Units train, plan, and operate side-by-side with their 1st Battalion counterparts. And while nothing can replace our families, the close knit camaraderie that has developed among the service members substitutes as a de facto family in itself. Friendships develop during the pre-mission training phase as the units prepare to deploy. Engagement events conducted in the EUCOM Area of Responsibility are purposely scheduled and tailored to increase capabilities and establish relationships with NATO SOF units who will deploy with 1st Battalion soldiers to Afghanistan.

Once in country, the American and NATO SOF units work to increase the capacity of Afghan National Security Forces to provide security for the local population. Additionally, the Task Units develop and execute civil affairs projects to assist the local governance and improve living conditions of the people. All of our operations and programs are conducted in cooperation with the battlespace owner, which is typically an American conventional brigade; however, we also operate in two French brigade sectors. One highlight from this past year was the organization of a fruit co-op for local farmers to quickly transport their pomegranate harvest to a juicing factory in Kabul which helps reduce the amount of fruit spoiled, thus increasing the farmers’ profits. Another project completed this year was the renovation of a local medical facility. The clinic now provides a clean and modern treatment area for the local doctor to care for patients. In an effort to create employment opportunities for local villagers, the Task Units worked with the local Provincial Reconstruction Team to develop bazaar clean-up crews and a roadway security program. Both of these programs have provided jobs and a sense of ownership to the villagers.

A formation composed of Task Force 10 Soldiers bow their heads in honor of Chief Warrant Officer Doug Vose during the dedication ceremony, Dec. 19.

Being separated from our loved ones is a small price to pay as we endeavor to make Afghanistan a better place for its people. Unfortunately, at times we pay a much larger price. In the regions where we operate, the threat of enemy contact is high. This past year we lost one of our soldiers, CW2 Doug Vose, who was killed in action on 29 July 2009. Last week we officially dedicated our headquarters camp in Kabul in his memory. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Vose family this holiday season.

Task Force 10 officially dedicated its headquarters camp in Kabul to Chief Warrant Officer Doug Vose who lost his life in battle on July 29, 2009.

We miss our families greatly but conduct our assigned mission with full confidence as we enjoy their unwavering love and support. Our mission here is challenging, but we are motivated and prepared for the task. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy. We believe our time spent deployed to Afghanistan will contribute to a brighter future for the Afghan people and a safer world for our families to inhabit. Task Force 10 wishes everyone a Happy Holiday season and a healthy and rewarding New Year.

LTC George Thiebes
1-10 SFG(A) Battalion Commander

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