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Information About Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) State Programs

This page has information for EHDI programs.

US Map


Legend: Click here to view categories of funding by state


State & Territories Profiles

The State and Territorial Profile includes information about all aspects of the EHDI process, such as program structure, screening and referral procedures, tracking and surveillance systems, and educational materials. A key objective of this resource is to assist states and territories in program planning and evaluation, and to inform parents, other government agencies, and providers about EHDI programs across the United States and its territories.

Find your state or territory profile »


Annual State Data

Find EHDI annual state data »


EHDI Contacts

Find the contact information, including websites, for EHDI funded and non-funded states and territories.


EHDI Committees

Please consider sharing your experience with one of these national advisory groups helping shape services for families and professionals.



Bios of CDC EHDI staff.


Funded Research Projects

Learn about funded EHDI research projects »


Free Materials for Patients

View, print, and order brochures to give to patients, including:

  • Questions You May Want to Ask Your Child’s Audiologist

  • Just in Time for Pediatric Primary Care Providers

  • Guía para padres sobre la genética y la pérdida auditiva

  • A Parent’s Guide to Hearing Loss CD ROM

  • And more…

Brochures and Fact Sheets »


Conferences & Meetings

Every year, the EHDI National Conference brings together a wide variety of attendees including those who:

  • Work in state EHDI programs

  • Assist in EHDI efforts on the federal level

  • Provide screening, diagnostic and early intervention support at the national, state and local level to young children with hearing loss and their families

  • Champion Medical Home activities within each state

  • Are parents of children with hearing loss

  • Are deaf or hard-of-hearing adults who are helping to expand opportunities for young children with hearing loss

Upcoming Conference – Save the Date!


Join us for the 2012 National EHDI Conference, March 5-6 in St. Louis, MO

10th Annual EHDI Conference Atlanta 2010

Getting Maximum Advantage from the New CDC Website “Hearing Loss in Children”: Advanced Tips
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Steve Richardson
Recording available at: View Recording

The Five ‘W’s of Family Decision Making: Beyond the ‘What’
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Terri Patterson, Janet DesGeorges
Recording available at: View Recording

The Effect of Co-Occurring Birth Defects on the Timing of Hearing Screening and Diagnosis
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Derek A. Chapman, Ph.D.
Recording available at: View Recording

Health IT Interoperability Standards for EHDI: Addressing State EHDI Program Needs
Thursday May 27, 2010
Anna Orlova, Terese Finitzo, John Eichwald
Recording available at: View Recording

Going Social 4 Health or Using Social Media for Health Communications Campaigns
Thursday April 29, 2010
Ann Aikin
A recording of this session is not available. A Social Media Toolkit (PDF) is available and provides background information on social media overall and their use at CDC. 


Teleconferences and Transcripts

These teleconferences are usually held bimonthly on the fourth Thursday of February, April, June, August, October and December unless otherwise announced.  The conferences:

  • Start at 4:00 PM Eastern

  • Serve as a forum to discuss and share EHDI issues, ideas and activities with people working in fields related to newborn screening

  • Provide toll-free audio and web access to all participants and free captioning services by request.


Past Transcripts

Following are transcripts and other related materials of the teleconferences from February 2009 - present.  For older transcripts, email

Making Information Truly Accessible to Deaf and Hard of Hearing Audiences
February 15, 2010
Mark D. Urban

Infant Diagnostic Hearing Evaluation Survey Results
November 17, 2009
Karen Munoz

NECAP Overview: Examining Language Outcomes at the National Level
September 15, 2009
Allison Sedey, Christie Yoshinaga-Itano
[Chart | Justification | Supplement]

Findings from the 2007 CDC EHDI Hearing Screening and Follow-up Survey
July 14, 2009
Marcus Gaffney, John Eichwald

Standards for the Electronic Transmission of Newborn Screening Records
June 9, 2009
Anna Orlova, Terese Finitzo, John Eichwald

Telehealth and EHDI: A Natural Relationship
May 12, 2009
De Wet Swanepoel, Mark Krumm

Mild & Unilateral Hearing Loss: Considering Options for Families
February 24, 2009
Sarah McKay, Anne Marie Tharpe

Unique Perspectives on Children Affected by Congenital Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
February 10th, 2009
Gail Demmler-Harrison, Lynn Pickus, Lisa Saunders, Stuart Grist, Janelle Greenlee


Other Resources

Public Health Grand Rounds

CDC Features



Learn More

EHDI Program National Goals »


For the convenience of our participants with hearing loss, a real-time web based captioning service is available for CDC EHDI teleconferences. A Caption Writer listens to the spoken comments from the teleconference and immediately types the comments into a computer. By logging into a special website, participants with hearing loss can view the comments as the Caption Writer records them. Users of this caption service can also type their questions or comments directly to the Caption Writer, who in turn will voice these comments to the rest of the teleconference participants. Those interested in using this caption service for the teleconference should email with their name and email address to receive the login information for the translation website.

Contact Us:
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities

    Hearing Loss Team

    1600 Clifton Road
    MS E-87
    Atlanta, GA 30333
  • 800-CDC-INFO
    TTY: (888) 232-6348
    New Hours of Operation
    8am-8pm ET/Monday-Friday
    Closed Holidays
  • The U.S. Government's Official Web PortalDepartment of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention   1600 Clifton Rd. Atlanta, GA 30333, USA
800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) TTY: (888) 232-6348 -
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