13th International Export Control Conference

Date: 04/20/2012 Description: Logo for the 13th International Export Control Conference, May 7-9, 2012, Portoroz, Slovenia. - State Dept Image

Under the auspices of the State Department’s Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) program, the United States, Slovenia, and the European Union (through the German Federal Office of Economics and Export Control [BAFA]) are sponsoring the 13th International Export Control Conference in Portoroz, Slovenia, on May 7-9, 2012.

This conference will bring together 300 international strategic trade control experts from nearly 100 countries and administrative regions, international and regional organizations, and non-governmental organizations to discuss and debate the latest developments in strategic trade controls. The Department will produce a post-conference proceedings document that captures the conference highlights and assists participants in communicating to their governments any follow on actions.

Partnerships for Nonproliferation

There is a growing need for partnerships in Strategic Trade Controls based on the current proliferation environment. More»

EXBS and Slovenia: Partners for Nonproliferation

As the host of this year’s conference, Slovenia exemplifies how partnerships for nonproliferation can work. Having cooperated since 2000 with the U.S. and the EU to strengthen its strategic trade control system, Slovenia “graduated” from the EXBS program and now serves as a mentor and host for regional training activities. More»

Background: The EXBS Program

The Export Control and Related Border Security (EXBS) Program seeks to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and advanced conventional weapons by helping to build effective national strategic trade control systems in countries that possess, produce, or supply strategic items as well as in countries through which such items are likely to transit. More»


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