Secretary Clinton to Travel to Berlin, Seoul, and Tokyo

Press Statement
Mark C. Toner
Acting Deputy Spokesman
Washington, DC
April 11, 2011


Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will travel to Berlin, Germany, April 13 to April 15. Secretary Clinton will join foreign ministers from NATO and partner countries for an informal NATO Foreign Ministerial meeting. They will meet separately with Operation Unified Protector and ISAF partners to discuss Libya and Afghanistan as well as counterparts in the NATO-Georgia Commission, the NATO-Ukraine Commission and the NATO-Russia Council. While in Berlin, the Secretary will attend a memorial service for Ambassador Richard C. Holbrooke at the American Academy in Berlin and receive the Walther Rathenau Prize for outstanding contributions to international understanding and cooperation.

The Secretary will continue to Seoul, Republic of Korea from April 16 to April 17. She will meet with President Lee Myung-bak and Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan as part of our ongoing efforts to strengthen the alliance and to discuss cooperation on regional issues, including our solidarity and support for Japan in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami. Secretary Clinton will also discuss bilateral issues related to trade and underscore the Administration’s support for the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement.

Secretary Clinton then will visit Tokyo, Japan, on April 17, to show the United States' support for the people of Japan and to highlight our long-standing commitment to the alliance. While there, Secretary Clinton will meet with Prime Minister Naoto Kan and with Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto and other Japanese senior officials. The Secretary also will meet with Embassy staff in Tokyo to express her gratitude for their services and support during this crisis.

PRN: 2011/558


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