The American People, the U.S. Government, and Proctor and Gamble Join Forces to Help Bring Clean Water to Pakistan Flood Victims

Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
September 20, 2010


The flooding in Pakistan, arguably the worst humanitarian disaster in the country’s history, has left millions without safe drinking water and the threat of widespread waterborne disease outbreaks mounts. In response, countless private citizens in the U.S. and from around the world, and private U.S. organizations have contributed generously to the Pakistan Relief Fund. Their contributions have been matched by Proctor and Gamble (P&G) and the U.S. Government, resulting in a $2 million effort to provide water purification kits to Pakistani flood victims. These kits include buckets and filtering cloths, which will generate 280 million liters of clean drinking water for 1.5 million people in desperate need.

The purchase and distribution of water purification supplies marks the first disbursement of the State Department’s Pakistan Relief Fund. Created by the United States Government through the Department of State, the Fund serves as a mechanism for the public to contribute money to the ongoing efforts in Pakistan. Approximately $500,000 in private American and other contributions, including significant support from the Pakistani-American Diaspora community, will be matched by $500,000 from P&G. An additional $1 million will be provided by USAID for this critical effort. This partnership showcases the impact of private and public sector actors working in concert.

“The floods that have devastated Pakistan have taken weeks and have caused terrible damage, but the recovery will take much longer than that,” said Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. “As the waters recede, the people of Pakistan must know that they will not be alone. They can count on my country and on the international community to stand with them.”

How to Give:
There are three ways people can contribute to the Department of State’s Pakistan Relief Fund:

1. Go to (or directly to and complete an on-line form to donate via credit card or ACH account.
2. Go to (or directly to, download a donation form, and send a contribution by mail.
3. Text the word FLOOD to 27722 to automatically give $10 through a mobile phone. The charge will appear on the monthly statement.

About the Pakistan Relief Fund:
The Department of State’s Pakistan Relief Fund allows the public to give money to help the more than 20 million Pakistanis who have been affected by the floods. The Pakistan Relief Fund was created to most effectively, transparently, and quickly benefit the victims of this devastating flood. The Fund will uniquely seek to leverage money raised by helping to match it with targeted private sector offers. Money collected will be directed to established international and non-governmental organizations with long-standing credible operations in Pakistan. By bringing together private and public sector actors, the Fund offers a unique mechanism to raise the profile of fundraising efforts. The Fund can accept donations from private citizens, organizations and corporations around the world.

PRN: 2010/1289

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