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Fundamental & Computational Sciences Directorate

Research Areas

Subsurface Science

Subsurface Science photo

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is an international leader in subsurface science, which focuses on developing and applying basic understanding of biogeochemical reactions, energy, and mass transfer to predict, assess, mitigate, and design and operate environmental processes. Our expertise includes

Our scientists apply their expertise toward the protection of regional water sources and aquatic ecosystems affected by contaminated soils and groundwater, releases from waste disposal units, climate change mitigation, energy development, water use, and hydropower systems operations.

This expertise includes an iterative experimental and modeling approach to contaminant fate and transport at U.S. Department of Energy sites, demonstrating our leadership at the Integrated Field Research Challenge located within the southern tip of the Hanford Site. We also focus our research on molecular-scale biogeochemical processes, field relevant microsites, and transition zones.

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Fundamental & Computational Sciences

Research Areas
