Time to Degree - Promising and Practical Strategies
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City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate NYC! College Readiness & Success (MS Word, 57KB) Community Engagement, Community of Practice, Data Collection or Use, Degree Attainment, Momentum Points, Open Educational Resources, Skills Assessment, Time to Degree
Coconino Community College CCC2NAU a Degree Closer (MS Word, 78KB) Affordability, Cost Saving, Degree Attainment, Dual Degrees, Persistence, Retention, Time to Degree, Transfer and Articulation
Governors State University The Dual Degree Program (MS Word, 66KB) Affordability, Degree Attainment, Dual Degrees, Persistence, Retention, Time to Degree, Transfer and Articulation, Tuition Reduction, Underrepresented Students
Kaplan University The Kaplan Commitment (PDF, 300KB) Adult Education, Competency-Based Learning, Degree Attainment, Non-Traditional Age Students, Prior Learning Assessment, Retention, Skill Assessments, Time to Degree
League/1199SEIU League Training and Upgrading Fund Health Careers College Core Curriculum (MS Word, 381KB) Career Pathways, Cohort Classes, Employer Partnership, Learning Communities, Non-Traditional Age Students, Time to Degree, Transfer and Articulation, Underrepresented Students
Metro Academies Increasing College Completion Through a Redesign of the First Two Years of College (MS Word, 81KB) Block Scheduling, Degree Attainment, Learning Communities, Persistence, Retention, STEM, Student Services, Time to Degree, Transfer and Articulation, Underrepresented Students
Paul Smith's College Beyond Retention: Supporting Student Success, Persistence, and Completion Rates through a Technology-based, Campus-wide, Comprehensive Student Support Program (MS Word, 811KB) Early Alert Program, Early Identification, Improving Achievement, Integrative Technologies, Predictive Modeling, Retention, Student Success, Time to Degree
Virginia's Community Colleges Credit Audit (MS Word, 74KB) Cost Saving, Productivity, Time to Degree

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