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Hyper-text Markup Language (HTML), the code used to create Web pages, cannot maintain all of the original formatting and presentation of many documents. In such cases, MMS uses a different format called Portable Document Format (PDF). PDF documents maintain the look of the original document, and they can be viewed on any Macintosh, PC, or Unix computer. However, you must download and install the free Acrobat* Reader* program. Please be sure to use the most current reader from Adobe to ensure compatibility for all PDF files on MMS's site.

Adobe provides online conversion tools for Adobe PDF documents that help visually disabled users whose screen reader software is not compatible with the Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0. These online tools convert PDF documents into either HTML or ASCII text, which can then be read by a number of common screen reader programs

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bullet Access Adobe.Com contains information on accessibility of Adobe products.  Adobe has a free tool that allows blind and visually impaired users to read any document in Adobe PDF format. The tool converts PDF documents into simple HTML or ASCII text which can then be read by a number of common screen reading programs that synthesize the HTML as audible speech.

Last Updated: 09/17/2010, 05:06 PM Central Time