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NIOSH Safety and Health Topic:

National Occupational Mortality Study




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  1. Alterman, T., Burnett, C., Peipins, L., Lalich, N., & Halperin, W. (1997). Occupation and cervical cancer: An opportunity for prevention. Journal of Womens Health, 6(6), 649-657.
  2. Bang, K. M., Weissman, D. N., & Wood, J. M. (2003). Respiratory tuberculosis mortality by occupation and industry in the United States, 1990-1999. American Journal Of Epidemiology, 157(11), S100.
  3. Bang, K. M., Weissman, D. N., Wood, J. M., & Attfield, M. D. (2005). Tuberculosis mortality by industry in the United States, 1990-1999. International Journal Of Tuberculosis And Lung Disease, 9(4), 437-442.
  4. Besson, H., Banks, R., & Boffetta, P. (2006). Cancer mortality among butchers: A 24-state death certificate study. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine, 48(3), 289-293.
  5. Birdsey, J., Alterman, T., & Petersen, M. (2003). Examining racial disparity within occupation versus adjusting for race using the National Occupational Mortality Surveillance database. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association 131st Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, CA.
  6. Blair, A., Dosemeci, M., & Heineman, E. F. (1993). Cancer and other causes of death among male and female farmers from twenty-three states. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 23(5), 729-742.
  7. Burkhart, G., Schulte, P. A., Robinson, C., Sieber, W. K., Vossenas, P., & Ringen, K. (1993). Job tasks, potential exposures, and health risks of laborers employed in the construction industry. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 24(4), 413-425.
  8. Burnett, C., Dubrow, R., & Rosenberg, H. (1986, January 1, 1988). Research Leads from Occupational Mortality Data. Paper presented at the Fourth NCI/EPA/NIOSH Collaborative Workshop: Progress on Joint Environmental and Occupational Cancer Studies, Rockville, Maryland.
  9. Burnett, C., Maurer, J., Rosenberg, H. M., & Dosemeci, M. (1997). Mortality by Occupation, Industry, and Cause of Death, 24 Reporting States (1984-1988) ((NIOSH) 97-114). Cincinnati, OH: NIOSH, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Cincinnati, Ohio, DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 97-114.
  10. Burnett, C., Robinson, C., & Walker, J. (1999). Cancer mortality in health and science technicians. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 36(1), 155-158.
  11. Burnett, C. A., & Dosemeci, M. (1994). Using Occupational Mortality Data for Surveillance of Work- Related Diseases of Women. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 36(11), 1199-1203.
  12. Burnett, C. A., Halperin, W. E., Lalich, N. R., & Sestito, J. P. (1994). Mortality among fire fighters: a 27 state survey. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 26(6), 831-833.
  13. Burnett, C. A., & Lalich, N. R. (1993). Measuring work-related health disparities for minority populations. Paper presented at the 1993 Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics. Toward the Year 2000., Washington, DC.
  14. Burnett, C. A., Silverman, D. T., & Lalich, N. R. (1994). A Comparison of Analyses of Occupational Bladder-Cancer - Death Certificate Vs Population-Based Case-Control Interview. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 25(5), 677-688.
  15. Calvert, G. M., Merling, J. W., & Burnett, C. A. (1999). Ischemic heart disease mortality and occupation among 16-to 60- year-old males. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 41(11), 960-966.
  16. Calvert, G. M., Rice, F. L., Boiano, J. M., Sheehy, J. W., & Sanderson, W. T. (2003). Occupational Silica Exposure and Risk of Various Diseases: an Analysis using Death Certificates from 27 States of the United States. Occupational & Environmental Medicine., 60(2), 122–129.
  17. Cameron, L., Lalich, N., Slag, J., J., G., & Burnett, C. (1994). Occupational health surveillance of US farm workers. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the NIOSH Symposium on Efforts to Prevent Injury and Disease among Agricultural Workers.
  18. Cantor, K. P., Stewart, P. A., Brinton, L. A., & Dosemeci, M. (1995). Occupational exposures and female breast cancer mortality in the United States. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine., 37(3), 336-348.
  19. CDC. (1995). Proportionate mortality from pulmonary tuberculosis associated with occupations--28 states, 1979-1990. MMWR - Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report, 44(1), 14-19.
  20. Chen, G. X., Burnett, C. A., Cameron, L. L., Alterman, T., Lalich, N. R., Tanaka, S., & Althouse, R. B. (1997). Tuberculosis Mortality and Silica Exposure: A Case-Control Study Based on a National Mortality Database for the Years 1983-1992. International Journal of Occupational & Environmental Health, 3(3), 163-170.
  21. Chen, G. X., Johnston, J. J., Alterman, T., Burnett, C., Steenland, K., Stern, F., & Halperin, W. (2000). Expanded analysis of injury mortality among unionized construction workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 37(4), 364-373.
  22. Cocco, P., & Dosemeci, M. (1999). Peritoneal cancer and occupational exposure to asbestos: results from the application of a job-exposure matrix. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 35(1), 9-14.
  23. Cocco, P., Dosemeci, M., & Heineman, E. F. (1998). Brain cancer and occupational exposure to lead. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 40(11), 937-942.
  24. Cocco, P., Dosemeci, M., & Heineman, E. F. (1998). Occupational risk factors for cancer of the central nervous system: a case-control study on death certificates from 24 U.S. states. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 33(3), 247-255.
  25. Cocco, P., Heineman, E. F., & Dosemeci, M. (1999). Occupational risk factors for cancer of the central nervous system (CNS) among US women. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 36(1), 70-74.
  26. Cocco, P., Ward, M. H., & Dosemeci, M. (1998). Occupational risk factors for cancer of the gastric cardia. Analysis of death certificates from 24 US states. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine., 40(10), 855-861.
  27. Cocco, P., Ward, M. H., & Dosemeci, M. (1999). Risk of stomach cancer associated with 12 workplace hazards: analysis of death certificates from 24 states of the United States with the aid of job exposure matrices. Occupational & Environmental Medicine., 56(11), 781-787.
  28. Colt, J. S., Stallones, L., Cameron, L. L., Dosemeci, M., & Zahm, S. H. (2001). Proportionate mortality among US migrant and seasonal farmworkers in twenty-four states. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 40(5), 604-611.
  29. Cote, T. R., Dosemeci, M., Rothman, N., Banks, R. B., & Biggar, R. J. (1993). Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and occupational exposure to hair dyes among people with AIDS.[comment]. American Journal of Public Health., 83(4), 598-599.
  30. Cucino, C., & Sonnenberg, A. (2001). Occupational mortality from inflammatory bowel disease in the United States 1991-1996. American Journal of Gastroenterology., 96(4), 1101-1105.
  31. Cucino, C., & Sonnenberg, A. (2002). Occupational mortality from squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus in the United States during 1991-1996. Digestive Diseases & Sciences., 47(3), 568-572.
  32. Dosemeci, M., & Blair, A. (1994). Occupational cancer mortality among women employed in the telephone industry. Journal of Occupational Medicine., 36(11), 1204-1209.
  33. Dosemeci, M., Hoover, R. N., Blair, A., Figgs, L. W., Devesa, S., Grauman, D., & Fraumeni, J. F., Jr. (1994). Farming and prostate cancer among African-Americans in the southeastern United States. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 86(22), 1718-1719.
  34. Dubrow, R., Burnett, C. A., Gute, D. M., & Brockert, J. E. (1988). Ischemic heart disease and acute myocardial infarction mortality among police officers. Journal of Occupational Medicine., 30(8), 650-654.
  35. Figgs, L. W., Dosemeci, M., & Blair, A. (1994). Risk of multiple myeloma by occupation and industry among men and women: a 24-state death certificate study. Journal of Occupational Medicine., 36(11), 1210-1221.
  36. Figgs, L. W., Dosemeci, M., & Blair, A. (1995). United States non-Hodgkin's lymphoma surveillance by occupation 1984-1989: a twenty-four state death certificate study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 27(6), 817-835.
  37. Fillmore, C. M., Petralia, S. A., & Dosemeci, M. (1999). Cancer mortality in women with probable exposure to silica: A death certificate study in 24 states of the US. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 36(1), 122-128.
  38. Frank, E., Biola, H., & Burnett, C. A. (2000). Mortality rates and causes among U.S. physicians. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 19(3), 155-159.
  39. Freedman, D. M., Dosemeci, M., & Alavanja, M. C. (2000). Mortality from multiple sclerosis and exposure to residential and occupational solar radiation: a case-control study based on death certificates. Occupational & Environmental Medicine., 57(6), 418-421.
  40. Freedman, D. M., Dosemeci, M., & McGlynn, K. (2002). Sunlight and mortality from breast, ovarian, colon, prostate, and non-melanoma skin cancer: a composite death certificate based case-control study. Occupational & Environmental Medicine., 59(4), 257-262.
  41. Freedman, D. M., Zahm, S. H., & Dosemeci, M. (1997). Residential and occupational exposure to sunlight and mortality from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: composite (threefold) case-control study. Bmj., 314(7092), 1451-1455.
  42. Halperin, W. E., & Ordin, D. L. (1996). Closing the surveillance gap.[comment]. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 29(2), 223-224.
  43. Hayes, R. B., Dosemeci, M., Riscigno, M., & Blair, A. (1993). Cancer mortality among jewelry workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 24(6), 743-751.
  44. Jemal, A., Grauman, D., & Devesa, S. (2000). Recent geographic patterns of lung cancer and mesothelioma mortality rates in 49 shipyard counties in the United States, 1970-94. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 37(5), 512-521.
  45. Kang, S. K., Burnett, C. A., Freund, E., Walker, J., Lalich, N., & Sestito, J. (1997). Gastrointestinal cancer mortality of workers in occupations with high asbestos exposures. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 31(6), 713-718.
  46. Kernan, G. J., Ji, B. T., Dosemeci, M., Silverman, D. T., Balbus, J., & Zahm, S. H. (1999). Occupational risk factors for pancreatic cancer: a case-control study based on death certificates from 24 U.S. states. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 36(2), 260-270.
  47. Krstev, S., Baris, D., Stewart, P. A., Hayes, R. B., Blair, A., & Dosemeci, M. (1998). Risk for prostate cancer by occupation and industry: a 24-state death certificate study. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 34(5), 413-420.
  48. Lalich, N., Burnett, C., Robinson, C., Sestito, J., & Schuster, L. (1990). A Guide for the Management, Analysis, & Interpretation of Occupational Mortality Data (DHHS (NIOSH) 90-115): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
  49. Lamba, A. B., Ward, M. H., Weeks, J. L., & Dosemeci, M. (2001). Cancer mortality patterns among hairdressers and barbers in 24 US states, 1984 to 1995. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine., 43(3), 250-258.
  50. Lee, E., Burnett, C. A., Lalich, N., Cameron, L. L., & Sestito, J. P. (2002). Proportionate mortality of crop and livestock farmers in the United States, 1984-1993. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 42(5), 410-420.
  51. Loomis, D., & Schulz, M. (2000). Mortality from six work-related cancers among African Americans and Latinos. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 38(5), 565-575.
  52. Loomis, D. P. (1991). Occupation, industry, and fatal motor vehicle crashes in 20 states, 1986-1987. American Journal of Public Health., 81(6), 733-735.
  53. Loomis, D. P. (1992). Cancer of breast among men in electrical occupations. Lancet, 339(8807), 1482-1483.
  54. Loomis, D. P., & Savitz, D. A. (1990). Mortality from brain cancer and leukaemia among electrical workers. British Journal of Industrial Medicine., 47(9), 633-638.
  55. Loomis, D. P., & Savitz, D. A. (1991). Occupation and leukemia mortality among men in 16 states: 1985-1987. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 19(4), 509-521.
  56. Loomis, D. P., Savitz, D. A., & Ananth, C. V. (1994). Breast cancer mortality among female electrical workers in the United States. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 86(12), 921-925.
  57. Ma, F., Lee, D. J., Fleming, L. E., & Dosemeci, M. (1998). Race-specific cancer mortality in US firefighters: 1984-1993. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine., 40(12), 1134-1138.
  58. Nicholas, J. S., Lackland, D. T., Dosemeci, M., Mohr, L. C., Jr., Dunbar, J. B., Grosche, B., & Hoel, D. G. (1998). Mortality among US commercial pilots and navigators. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine., 40(11), 980-985.
  59. NIOSH. (1999). Work-Related Lung Disease Surveillance Report 1999 ((NIOSH) 2000-105). Morgantown, WV: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
  60. Park, R. M., Schulte, P. A., Bowman, J. D., Walker, J. T., Bondy, S. C., Yost, M. G., Touchstone, J. A., & Dosemeci, M. (2005). Potential occupational risks for neurodegenerative diseases. American Journal Of Industrial Medicine, 48(1), 63-77.
  61. Peipins, L. A., Burnett, C., Alterman, T., & Lalich, N. (1997). Mortality patterns among female nurses: a 27-state study, 1984 through 1990. American Journal of Public Health., 87(9), 1539-1543.
  62. Petralia, S. A., Dosemeci, M., Adams, E. E., & Zahm, S. H. (1999). Cancer mortality among women employed in health care occupations in 24 US States, 1984-1993. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 36(1), 159-165.
  63. Pottern, L. M., Zahm, S. H., Sieber, S. S., Schneider, I. J., LaRosa, J. H., Brown, D. P., Collman, G. W., Fingerhut, M. A., & Waters, M. A. (1994). Occupational cancer among women: a conference overview. Journal of Occupational Medicine., 36(8), 809-813.
  64. Robinson, C., Burnett, C., Lalich, N., & Brackbill, R. (1989). Selected Leads from the 1984 Occupational Mortality Surveillance Data. Cincinnati, OH: Illness Effects Section, NIOSH, Cincinnati, Ohio, 50 pages, 48 references.
  65. Robinson, C., Stern, F., Halperin, W., Venable, H., Petersen, M., Frazier, T., Burnett, C., Lalich, N., Salg, J., Sestito, J., & et al. (1995). Assessment of mortality in the construction industry in the United States, 1984-1986. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 28(1), 49-70.
  66. Robinson, C. F., & Burnett, C. A. (1994). Mortality patterns of US female construction workers by race, 1979-1990. Journal of Occupational Medicine., 36(11), 1228-1233.
  67. Robinson, C. F., & Burnett, C. A. (2005). Truck drivers and heart disease in the United States, 1979-1990. Am J Ind Med, 47(2), 113-119.
  68. Robinson, C. F., Halperin, W. E., Alterman, T., Braddee, R. W., Burnett, C. A., Fosbroke, D. E., Kisner, S. M., Lalich, N. R., Roscoe, R. J., Seligman, P. J., & et al. (1995). Mortality patterns among construction workers in the United States. Occupational Medicine., 10(2), 269-283.
  69. Robinson, C. F., Lalich, N. R., Burnett, C. A., Sestito, J. P., Frazier, T. M., & Fine, L. J. (1991). Electromagnetic field exposure and leukemia mortality in the United States. Journal of Occupational Medicine., 33(2), 160-162.
  70. Robinson, C. F., & Walker, J. T. (1999). Cancer mortality among women employed in fast-growing U.S. occupations. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 36(1), 186-192.
  71. Rosenberg, H. M., Burnett, C., Maurer, J., & Spirtas, R. (1993). Mortality by Occupation, Industry, and Cause of Death: 12 Reporting States, 1984. Monthly Vital Statistics Report, 42(S4).
  72. Rosenberg, H. M., Maurer, J., Flinchum, G., Sestito, J., Spirtas, R., & Priebe, J. (1985). Occupation Data from the Death Certificate - a Statistical Resource for Examining Socioeconomic Differentials in Mortality.
  73. Rubin, C. H., Burnett, C. A., Halperin, W. E., & Seligman, P. J. (1993). Occupation as a risk identifier for breast cancer. American Journal of Public Health., 83(9), 1311-1315.
  74. Rubin, C. H., Burnett, C. A., Halperin, W. E., & Seligman, P. J. (1994). Occupation and lung cancer mortality among women: using occupation to target smoking cessation programs for women. Journal of Occupational Medicine., 36(11), 1234-1238.
  75. Sala, M., Dosemeci, M., & Zahm, S. H. (1998). A death certificate-based study of occupation and mortality from reproductive cancers among women in 24 US states. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 40(7), 632-639.
  76. Savitz, D. A., Loomis, D. P., & Tse, C. K. (1998). Electrical occupations and neurodegenerative disease: analysis of U.S. mortality data. Archives of Environmental Health., 53(1), 71-74.
  77. Schulte, P. A., & Burnett, C. A. (1997). EMFs and Alzheimer's disease. Neurology., 49(1), 312-313.
  78. Schulte, P. A., Burnett, C. A., Boeniger, M. F., & Johnson, J. (1996). Neurodegenerative diseases: occupational occurrence and potential risk factors, 1982 through 1991. American Journal of Public Health, 86(9), 1281-1288.
  79. Schulz, M. R., & Loomis, D. (2000). Occupational bladder cancer mortality among racial and ethnic minorities in 21 states. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 38(1), 90-98.
  80. Steenland, K., Halperin, W., Hu, S., & Walker, J. T. (2003). Deaths due to injuries among employed adults: the effects of socioeconomic class. Epidemiology, 14(1), 74-79.
  81. Steenland, K., Hu, S., & Walker, J. (2004). All-cause and cause-specific mortality by socioeconomic status among employed persons in 27 US states, 1984-4997. American Journal Of Public Health, 94(6), 1037-1042.
  82. Svec, M. A., Ward, M. H., Dosemeci, M., Checkoway, H., & De Roos, A. J. (2005). Risk of lymphatic or haematopoietic cancer mortality with occupational exposure to animals or the public. Occupational And Environmental Medicine, 62(10), 726-735.
  83. Wagener, D. K., Walstedt, J., Jenkins, L., Burnett, C., Lalich, N., & Fingerhut, M. (1997). Women: work and health. Vital & Health Statistics - Series 3, Analytical & Epidemiological Studies(31), 1-91.
  84. Walker, J. T. (2001). Occupational cancer mortality surveillance among women in the United States. Paper presented at the CDC Cancer Conference, Atlanta, GA.
  85. Walker, J. T., Burnett, C. A., Lalich, N. R., Sestito, J. P., & Halperin, W. E. (1997). Cancer mortality among laundry and dry cleaning workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 32(6), 614-619.
  86. Walsh, S. J. (1999). Effects of non-mining occupational silica exposure on proportional mortality from silicosis and systemic sclerosis. Journal of Rheumatology., 26(10), 2179-2185.
  87. Walsh, S. J., & DeChello, L. M. (2001). Excess autoimmune disease mortality among school teachers. Journal of Rheumatology, 28(7), 1537-1545.
  88. Ward, E. M., Burnett, C. A., Ruder, A., & Davis-King, K. (1997). Industries and cancer. Cancer Causes & Control, 8(3), 356-370.
  89. Ward, M. H., Dosemeci, M., & Cocco, P. (1994). Mortality from gastric cardia and lower esophagus cancer and occupation. Journal of Occupational Medicine., 36(11), 1222-1227.
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