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Optical Radiation Group


Optical Radiation thumbnail; Photo courtesy of the MOBY projectThe Optical Radiation Group maintains, improves, and disseminates the national scales for the spectroradiometric measurement of radiation sources and temperatures. We conduct research in the field of visible and ultraviolet spectrophotometry research and provide standards for reflectance, transmission, color, and appearance. Our staff members participate in national and international committees and intercomparisons to ensure the acceptance of US radiometric, radiance temperature, and spectrophotometric standards and measurements. We also develop protocols for the calibration and validation of optical remote sensing instruments, perform long-term research, and maintain the infrastructure necessary to ensure the advancement of optical thermometry, radiometry, and spectrophotometry measurement technology.


Spectrophotometry—Spectrophotometry is the quantitative measurement of the reflection or transmission properties of a material as a function of wavelength. While relatively simple in concept, determining the …

Molecular spectroscopy—The molecular spectroscopy sub-group carries out vibrational and rotational spectroscopic analyses on experimental data obtained primarily in the infrared (IR), Raman, and microwave (MW) region, as …

Optical medical imaging—The Optical Medical Imaging program was established to advance the application of optical imaging in surgical, clinical, and medical practices. Our goal is develop standards and measurement quality …

Aperture area measurements—Radiometric and photometric measurements require defining apertures. The accuracy to which these measurements can be accomplished requires minimization of the uncertainty in the aperture …

Theory of the optical properties of materials—The overarching objective of this project is reliably calculating the bulk optical properties of materials, such as complex index of refraction, absorption, and reflectance, across the …

Spectral responsivity measurement—NIST provides calibration of the spectral responsivity and spatial uniformity of photodetectors for use in industrial and government labs. These calibrations are carried out using two …

Diffraction effects in radiometry—We want to quantify the breakdown of geometrical optics when computing the throughput of optical systems for the purpose of calculating "diffraction corrections" to radiometric …


Optical radiation group:
Eric Shirley, Group Leader
301-975-2349 Telephone

Lorna Armiger, Secretary
301-975-8138 Telephone
301-869-5700 Facsimile

100 Bureau Drive, M/S 8441
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8441