Materials for Distributed Energy Oak Ridge national Laboratory




Materials for DE


2003 Environmental Barrier Coatings Presentations (by author):

Becher | Bhatia | Brady | Duffy | Ellingston | Guiheen2 | Guiheen1 | Haught | Holowczak | Lee | Lin | More | Opila | Raj | Smialek | Vartabedian | Yeckley

2002 Environmental Barrier Coatings Presentations (by author):

Armstrong/conversion | Armstrong/slurry | Bjoern/EBCs | Bjoern/Production Readiness | Bordia | Carruthers | Ellingson | Ferber1 | Ferber2 | Holowczak | Kuijpers | Lewinsohn | Mitchell | More | Opila | Pujari | Raj | Shanmugham | Sun | Talmy | VanRoode | Yeckley

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  Last Modified: Friday, February 8, 2008 2:03 PM