Achievement Gap Closure - Promising and Practical Strategies
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Organizationsort icon Name Tags
Alverno College Professional Assistance Program (MS Word, 32KB) Achievement Gap Closure, Basic Skills, Cognitive Tutors, Developmental or Remedial Education, Personalized Instruction
Austin Peay State University Enhanced Mathematics - A Co-requisite Approach to Developmental Mathematics (MS Word, 78KB) Achievement Gap Closure
California State University, Northridge Thriving and Achieving Program (TAP) (MS Word, 41KB) Achievement Gap Closure, Degree Attainment, Retention
City University of New York (CUNY) College Now (MS Word, 66KB) Accelerated Learning, Achievement Gap Closure, Basic Skills, College Transition, Data Collection or Use, Developmental or Remedial Education, Dual Enrollment, Underrepresented Students
Georgia State University Retention and Graduation Program for Underrepresented Students (MS Word, 53KB) Achievement Gap Closure, Data Collection or Use, Degree Attainment, Improving Achievement, Mentoring, Retention, Underrepresented Students
MDRC Integrating Student Support Services and Academic Instruction at Community Colleges (PDF, 89KB) Achievement Gap Closure, Improving Achievement, Learning Communities, Persistence, Student Services
North Carolina Community College System SuccessNC (MS Word, 82KB) Achievement Gap Closure, Basic Skills, Career Pathways, Developmental or Remedial Education, Mentoring, Modular Curriculum, STEM, Transfer and Articulation
Northeast Alabama Community College Learners in Transition Program (MS Word, 41KB) Achievement Gap Closure, Adult Education, Career Pathways
Rhode Island College Paul V. Sherlock Center on Disabilities (MS Word, 188KB) Achievement Gap Closure, Mentoring, Underrepresented Students
Southern Vermont College Pipelines into Partnership (MS Word, 913KB) Achievement Gap Closure, Degree Attainment, Underrepresented Students
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities An Integrative Approach to the First Year Experience (MS Word, 212KB) Achievement Gap Closure, Community of Practice, Learning Communities, Multidisciplinarity, Persistence, Retention, Technology-Enabled Learning, Underrepresented Students
University of Nevada, Reno College Life 101 Retention Program (MS Word, 86KB) Achievement Gap Closure, Degree Attainment, Persistence, Retention, Student Services, Underrepresented Students
University of Wisconsin - Stout Math Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) (MS Word, 57KB) Achievement Gap Closure, Basic Skills, Blended Learning

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