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MahurinShannon M. Mahurin

Research Staff

B.S. Physics, Cumberland College, Williamsburg, KY, 1994
Ph.D., Chemical Physics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, 2000

Post-doctoral Research Associate,  Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2001 - 2006
Research Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2006 - Present

Research Interests:

Membrane separations using ionic liquids and porous materials

Solid/fluid interface interactions

Plasmonic materials for surface enhanced Raman applications

Surface modification by atomic layer deposition

Properties of ionic liquids

U.S. Patents Issued:

“Electrochemical capacitor for detection of hazardous vapors,” Shannon M. Mahurin, Josip Caja, Sheng Dai, Patent No. 7217354.

Professional Societies:

 American Chemical Society

 North American Membrane Society

Selected Publications:

  1. J. Guo, G.A. Baker, P.C. Hillesheim, S. Dai, R.W. Shaw, S.M. Mahurin, “Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Evidence for the Structural Heterogeneity in Ionic Liquids,” PCCP, 13, 12395-12398 (2011).

  2. S. Mahurin, J. John, M. Sepaniak, S. Dai, “A Re-Usable SERS Substrate Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition of Alumina on a Multi-Layer Gold and Silver Film,” Appl. Spectrosc., 65, 417 (2011).

  3. S. Mahurin, J.S. Lee, X. Wang, S. Dai, “Ammonia-Activated Mesoporous Carbon for Gas Separations”, J. Membr. Sci., 368, 41 (2011).

  4. R. Mayes, C. Tsouris, J. Kiggans, S.M. Mahurin, D. DePaoli, S. Dai, “Hierarchical Ordered Mesoporous Carbon from Phloroglucinol-Glyoxal and Block Copolymers and its application in Capacitive Deionization of Brackish Water,” J. Mat. Chem., 20, 8674 (2010).

  5. S.M. Mahurin, J.S. Lee, G.A. Baker, H. Luo, S. Dai, “Performance of Nitrile-Containing Anions in Task-Specific Ionic Liquids for Improved CO2/N2 Separation,” J. Membrane Science, 353, 177 (2010).

  6. C. Wang, S.M. Mahurin, H. Luo, G. Baker, H. Li, S. Dai, “Reversible and robust CO2 capture by equimolar task-specific ionic liquid/superbase mixtures,” Green Chemistry, 12, 870  (2010).

  7. J. John, S.M. Mahurin, S. Dai, M.J. Sepaniak, “Use of atomic layer deposition to improve the stability of silver substrates for in situ, high-temperature SERS measurements,” J. Ram. Spec., 41, 4 (2010).
  8. X. Wang, Q. Zhu, S.M. Mahurin, C.D. Liang, S. Dai, “Preparation of free standing high flux mesoporous carbon membranes,” Carbon, 48, 557 (2010).

  9. S.M. Mahurin, M.D. Cheng, “Generating Nanoscale Aggregates from Colloidal Nanoparticles by Various Aerosol Spray Techniques,” Nanotoxicology, 1, 130 (2007).

  10. S.M. Mahurin, L. Bao, S. Dai, “Controlled Layer-By-Layer Formation of Ultra-thin Oxide Films on Silver Island Films for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Measurement,” Israel J. Chem, 46, 329 (2006).

  11. S.M. Mahurin, L. Bao, W. Yan, C. Liang, S. Dai, “Atomic Layer Deposition of TiO2 on Mesoporous Silica,” J. Noncryst. Solids, 352, 3280 (2006).

  12. W.F. Yan, S. Brown, Z.W. Pan, S.M. Mahurin, S.H. Overbury, S. Dai, “Ultrastable Gold Nanocatalyst Supported by Nanosized Non-oxide Substrate,” Ang. Chem.-Int. Ed.45, 3614 (2006).

  13. W. Yan, S.M. Mahurin, B. Chen, S.H. Overbury, S. Dai, “Effect of Supporting Surface Layers on Catalytic Activities of Gold Nanoparticles in CO Oxidation,” J. Phys. Chem. B, 109, 15489 (2005).

  14. W. Yan, S.M. Mahurin, Z. Pan, S.H. Overbury, S. Dai, “Ultrastable Au Nanocatalyst Supported on Surface-Modified TiO2 Nanocrystals,” JACS, 127, 10480 (2005).

  15. Wenfu Yan, Bei Chen, S.M. Mahurin, V. Schwartz, D.R. Mullins, Andrew R. Lupini, S.J. Pennycook, Sheng Dai, S.H. Overbury, “Preparation and Comparison of Supported Gold Nanocatalysts on Anatase, Brookite, Rutile, and P25 Polymorphs of TiO2 for Catalytic Oxidation of CO,” J. Phys. Chem. B, 109(21), 10676 (2005).

  16. Wenfu Yan, Bei Chen, Shannon M. Mahurin, Sheng Dai, Steven H. Overbury, “Brookite-Supported Highly Stable Gold Catalytic System for CO Oxidation,”  Chem. Comm., 17, 1918 (2004).

  17. S.M. Mahurin, Sheng Dai, M.D. Barnes, “Probing the Diffusion of a Dilute Dye Solution in Mesoporous Glass Using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy,” J. Phys. Chem. B, 107(48), 13336 (2003).

Nanomaterials Chemistry Group Staff

 Provided by Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Chemical Sciences Division 
Rev: October 2011