Open Government Plan
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At the U.S. Department of Education, we view transparency, participation, and collaboration as vital to the success of our mission to improve the quality and accessibility of education in the United States.

Department Roadmap for Incorporating Principles of Openness Into Core Agency Missions

We will continue to build on the solid foundation put in place during this inaugural year of open government.

Congressional Requests for Information

Aligned to goals:
  • 1.3: Improve the timeliness of FOIA processing and document release.
  • 3.1: Enhance collaboration with other federal and non-federal agencies, the public, and non-profit and private entities.

The Department of Education's Office of Legislation and Congressional Affairs (OLCA) has a wide range of responsibilities, the most import

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Administration

Aligned to goals:
  • 1.2: Make more data and information available to the public.

ED Records Management Program

Aligned to goals:
  • 1.1: Provide clarity and guidance on privacy rules and regulations to ensure that information and data can be shared in a timely manner with the public while still protecting individual privacy as required by law.
  • 1.3: Improve the timeliness of FOIA processing and document release.

The Regulatory and Information Management S

Public Notifications

Aligned to goals:
  • 1.2: Make more data and information available to the public.

Chief Privacy Officer

Aligned to goals:
  • 1.1: Provide clarity and guidance on privacy rules and regulations to ensure that information and data can be shared in a timely manner with the public while still protecting individual privacy as required by law.
  • 1.2: Make more data and information available to the public.
  • 1.3: Improve the timeliness of FOIA processing and document r

Employee Participation Through OpenED

Aligned to goals:
  • 4.1: Encourage openness and communication about effectiveness within the Department.
  • 4.2: Enhance Departmental internal collaboration capabilities.


President Obama pledged to look for budget-cutting ideas from the bottom up, saying he would establish a process through which every government worker could submit ide

Aligned to goals:
  • 2.1: Provide more insight into the agency's decision-making process.
  • 2.3: Collect and use input from the public and other stakeholders in decision-making.

As part of the development of this plan, the Department, along with other federal agencies, used IdeaScale in February and March

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