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Mr. Julian Burns
Vice President, Defense Affairs, Land & Armaments BAE
Julian (JB) H. Burns has served in BAE since January 2005 as Vice President of Corporate Development, then Vice President of Business Development, and now as Vice President for Defense Affairs. He also spent three decades of Army Service in Korea, Europe, SWA, and Haiti, last serving as Operations Chief in IFOR and SFOR in the Balkans, DCG of V Corps in Kosovo operations, Commanding General of a Joint Task Force in Israel in OPERATION Desert Fox; and as Chief of Staff/Deputy Commanding General of FORSCOM, Atlanta/Ft Bragg.
Since joining BAE he has worked in wheel, MRAP, combat and armaments solutions for SOF, Army, Marine, and Navy security markets in Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan, NATO, and in home markets in the United States, United Kingdom, Sweden, and South Africa. He has served pro bono on the Iraq Reconstruction Task Force in OSD and in the Sudan.
Burns graduated from Camden High in South Carolina and holds a BS degree from West Point as a Cavalry Officer, with Airborne-Ranger qualifications; and master’s degrees in ORSA/Systems Management from the University of Southern California and the Army War College.
Burns is a South Carolina absentee farmer and an avid athlete and sportsman. He is a member of the Carabao, the Cincinatti, and numerous professional organizations. He is a published author. Burns and his wife, Ruth Ann, have three daughters: Joan in nursing school, Captain Julia Burns Furman, 3rd SF Group in Bagram, based from Ft Bragg, and Jacqueline, in the Defense Department, based in Baghdad.