
Our activities expand knowledge about energy use in complex manufacturing processes and support innovation. Collectively, these activities are sharpening the manufacturing sector's energy performance, agility, and competitive edge—stimulating business growth and job opportunities.

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Technology R&D

From 1990 through 2010, AMO awardees:

  • Commercialized 229 new technologies

  • Received 54 R&D 100 awards

  • Obtained 251 patents

R&D Drives Growth

Image of advanced reciprocating engine system.

Manufacturers working on our Advanced Reciprocating Engine Systems (ARES) represent the majority of the natural gas-fueled engines made in the United States. Three corporate partners in this effort have collectively parlayed system improvements into more than 3.2 gigawatt (GW) of new international sales, creating new jobs in America.

Technology Deployment

  • Demonstrated the value of AMO tools and training during energy savings assessments at more than 33,000 industrial plants over the past 10 years

    • Identified $1.6 billion in annual savings from energy assessments conducted at 1,000 large plants and 2,300 small and mid-sized plants (as of October 2011)

  • Network of Industrial Assessment Centers (IACs) have trained over 3,000 students to be energy management professionals since 1980

  • Clean Energy Application Centers have educated more than 25,000 on Combined Heating and Power (CHP) and provided technical support to more than 700 CHP activities representing over 1.5 Gigawatt (GW) of installed or developing capacity

  • ISO 50001 Energy Management System Standard and the Superior Energy Performance program to certify continual improvement in performance have been supported by AMO and are now being used by manufacturers to achieve energy savings

Additional AMO achievements can be found in the reports featured on our Results page.