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3D Laser Scanning

BIM Guide Series Three Cover Image

GSA's Office of the Chief Architect (OCA) is currently encouraging, documenting, and evaluating 3D laser scanning technologies on a project-by-project need basis. 3D laser scanning has become a prominent vehicle for acquiring building spatial data in three dimensions with high fidelity and low processing time.

The rapid collection of 3D information serves several purposes across GSA business lines, including:

  • historical documentation;
  • facility condition documentation;
  • construction as-built development;
  • and BIM development.

Using funding awarded by the Public Buildings Services Office of the Chief Information Officer's Venture Capital program, OCA is partnering with other agencies and organizations, such as NIBS, NIST, ASTM, FIATECH, and SPAR Point to develop best practices and standards for 3D laser scanning.   OCA is currently conducting pilot projects in Brooklyn, New York; Atlanta, Georgia; and Miami, Florida and will be including laser scanning best practices in Series 03 of the BIM Guide Series.

GSA Building Information Modeling Series 03 - 3D Laser Scanning DRAFT (1/2009)>>

Laser Scanning Program>>

pbs,buildings,public buildings,bim,building information modeling