Customs Program

OFM Customs approves duty-free entry benefits for all bilateral diplomatic and consular missions, the UN, and over 70 international organizations. The entitlements of missions and personnel vary according to accreditation status, reciprocity, and the governing treaty or agreement. The staff advises embassies, consulates and international organizations on policies and procedures applicable to the processing of duty-free requests. OFM Customs further deals with resolution of customs problems involving lost pouches and incidents of unauthorized inspections or opening of shipments.

OFM Customs prepares documentation authorizing blanket clearance of foreign government-owned equipment entering the U.S. for repair or incorporated into cooperative project products.

OFM Customs also works to ensure that foreign governments provide customs privileges and benefits mandated by applicable treaties and agreements for U.S. missions and personnel in foreign countries. It protests violations of these treaties by foreign governments and implements reciprocal treatment for foreign missions in the U.S.

Treaties and agreements permit discrimination against foreign mission staff members based on reciprocity. In the case of bilateral missions, OFM Customs has the authority to extend full tour-of-duty free entry to staff members and has assisted several posts in negotiating reciprocal agreements to implement this benefit.

The goals of the OFM Customs program are to ensure that -- within the confines of applicable treaties, laws and regulations -- foreign missions, international organizations, and entitled foreign personnel and their family members are accorded duty-free entry privileges throughout their tour of duty while in the U.S. and that such treatment is reciprocated abroad.

Questions concerning customs clearance issues should be directed to the:

Office of Foreign Missions Customs Program
3507 International Place, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20522-3302
(202) 895-3563
(202) 895-3533 FAX