Early Learning Initiative

What's New

Led by Deputy Assistant Secretary on Policy and Early Learning Jacqueline Jones, the Office of Early Learning works collaboratively with various program offices to drive the Early Learning Initiative at the U.S. Department of Education.

Promoting Early Learning

President Obama is committed to providing the support that our youngest children need to succeed later in school. The importance of the early years in a child's life has been well documented. The Department of Education (ED) prioritizes improving the health, social, emotional, and educational outcomes for young children from birth through 3rd grade by:

  1. enhancing the quality of early learning programs, and
  2. increasing the access to high quality early learning programs especially for young children at risk for school failure.

ED's role in promoting early learning is significant and includes:

  • administering several early learning programs;
  • encouraging States and local districts to target resources for early learning;
  • promoting State and local education agency partnerships with other early learning agencies and programs in the State or community;
  • conducting research on early learning through the Institute of Education Sciences (IES);
  • funding technical assistance on early learning topics, including early literacy and social and emotional development; and
  • supporting the development of State longitudinal data systems that include early learning programs.

Supporting Early Learning

ED has a history of funding early learning programs. Some of the current investments include:

Increasing Early Learning in the Proposed Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

The Department's proposal for reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act supports a continuum of learning, beginning at birth, in order to close the achievement gap and ensure that every student graduates from high school ready to succeed in college and a career. Watch and listen to our early learning and ESEA stakeholders' forum on ED.gov Blog.

Promoting Early Learning for Success in School and in Life in FY2013

The President's Budget will raise the bar on quality across all publicly-funded early learning settings through investments in developing new standards and practices to improve outcomes, engaging families in their child's early learning and development, and strengthening the early education workforce.

Partnering with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

ED is committed to working closely with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to help States create coherent systems of early learning from birth through 3rd grade. The two agencies have been working together on a number of initiatives:

Resources and Publications

Education-related resources and publications are available online in both English and Spanish, for families, educators and stakeholders. You may also call 1-800-USA-LEARN to speak to a resource specialist.

Technical Assistance, Research and Evaluations

Technical assistance, research information, longitudinal studies and evaluations of early learning programs are available on-line. You may also call 1-800-USA-LEARN to speak to a resource specialist.

Early Learning Email Updates

Sign Up to Receive Periodic Email Updates on Early Learning from the U.S. Department of Education

Early Learning email updates are a free service offered by the Early learning Initiative to keep members of the early learning community up-to-date on information that is relevant to programs and activities serving children birth through 3rd grade.

Further information about early learning activities at ED can be found on the ED.gov Blog.

Past Notices

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