Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Remarks (2011)

-12/29/11  Special Joint Press Briefing On U.S. Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia;  Assistant Secretary Andrew J. Shapiro, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Washington, DC
-12/19/11  Briefing on the Release of the Tenth Edition of the "To Walk the Earth in Safety" Report;  Assistant Secretary Andrew J. Shapiro, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Washington, DC
-12/19/11  Remarks at the Release of the Tenth Edition of To Walk the Earth in Safety Report;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington, DC
-12/11/11  Comments on U.S. Assistance To Help Dispose of Weapons in Libya;  Assistant Secretary Andrew J. Shapiro, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; APTN and Reuters Soundbite; Tripoli, Libya
-11/16/11  U.S. Position on the Convention on Conventional Weapons Negotiations on Cluster Munitions Protocol;  Legal Advisor U.S. Department of State Harold Hongju Koh; Via Teleconference
-11/09/11  Remarks to the Defense Trade Advisory Group;  Assistant Secretary Andrew J. Shapiro, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Washington, DC
-11/04/11  Ensuring Israel's Qualitative Military Edge;  Assistant Secretary Andrew J. Shapiro, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Remarks to The Washington Institute for Near East Policy; Washington, DC
-10/04/11  Remarks at the Marshall Legacy Institute's Anniversary Gala; Deputy Secretary William J. Burns; Washington, DC
-09/27/11  The Essential Role of U.S. Security Assistance In Addressing Today's Challenges and Building New Partnerships;  Assistant Secretary Andrew J. Shapiro, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Remarks at the Center for New American Security; Washington, DC
-09/12/11  POLAD Orientation Program;  Assistant Secretary Andrew J. Shapiro, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; George C. Marshall Conference Center; Washington, DC
-08/31/11  A Unified Security Budget for the United States;  Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources Thomas Nides; Center for American Progress; Washington, DC
-08/30/11  60th Anniversary of the U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty; Department Spokesperson Victoria Nuland, Office of the Spokesperson; Washington, DC
-08/16/11  A Conversation with Secretaries Hillary Clinton and Leon Panetta;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; National Defense University; Washington, DC
-06/15/11  Confronting Global Piracy;  Assistant Secretary Andrew J. Shapiro, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Statement before the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade of the House Foreign Affairs Committee; Washington, DC
-05/03/11  Defense Trade Advisory Group Plenary;  Assistant Secretary Andrew J. Shapiro, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Dean Acheson Auditorium; Washington, DC
-04/04/11  Statement on International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action;  U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan E. Rice, U.S. Mission to the United Nations; New York City
-03/30/11  U.S. Approaches to Counter-Piracy;  Assistant Secretary Andrew J. Shapiro, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Remarks to International Institute for Strategic Studies; Washington, DC
-03/15/11  Assuring the Freedom of Americans on the High Seas: The United States Response to Piracy; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Kurt Amend, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs; Statement Before the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure's Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation; Washington, DC


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