Native American Liaison
Office of External Affairs

Eagle Logo Training




Conserving this Nation’s fish and other aquatic resources cannot be successful without the partnership of Tribes; they manage or influence some of the most important aquatic habitats both on and off reservations. In addition, the Federal government and the Service have distinct and unique obligations toward Tribes based on trust responsibility, treaty provisions, and statutory mandates.

BIA LogoThe Tribal Leaders Directory provides a tribes’ name, address, phone, and fax number for each of the 565 Federally-recognized Tribes. There may be an email or website address listed for the tribal entity if they have provided it to the BIA. Each tribe is listed in three sections, by the BIA region that provides services to them, the state they are located in, and in alphabetical order. The Directory also provides information on the BIA Regions and agency offices. [exit notice]
1854 Treaty Authority
1854 Treaty Authority logoThe 1854 Treaty Authority is an Inter-Tribal Natural Resource Management Organization that manages the off-reservation hunting, fishing and gathering rights of the Grand Portage and Bois Forte Bands of the Lake Superior Chippewa in the territory ceded under the Treaty of 1854.
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Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians
ATNI LogoATNI is organized and chartered as a non-profit corporation under the laws of the State of Oregon. The organization sets out its membership and operating policies within its Constitution and Bylaws and ATNI Policies & Procedures Manual. Authority for management of the affairs of ATNI are delegated to the Executive Council by the members and further delegated to the Executive Board, Committees, and Executive Director. [exit notice]
AIEO_LogoThe American Indian Environmental Office
The AIEO coordinates the Agency-wide effort to strengthen public health and environmental protection in Indian country, with a special emphasis on helping tribes administer their own environmental programs
. [exit notice]
American Indian Science and Engineering Society
AISES LogoSince 1977, AISES, the American Indian Science and Engineering Society, has worked to substantially increase American Indian/Alaska Native representation in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields - as students, professionals, mentors, and leaders. [exit notice]
American Indian Tribal Portal
USFWS ImageThe EPA Tribal Portal was created as a gateway to EPA environmental information specifically related to tribal governments, such as environmental policies, practices and laws. Within EPA, the American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) coordinates the Agency-wide effort to strengthen public health and environmental protection in Indian country, with a special emphasis on helping tribes administer their own environmental programs.
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Bald and Golden Eagle Laws
USFWS LogoBald and golden eagles are protected by three federal laws: The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Lacey Act. These laws prohibit the possession, use and sale of eagle feathers and parts as well as a number of other activities, including the transportation of eagles and feathers and parts that have been illegally obtained.
Bureau of Indian Affairs
BIA LogoIndian Affairs (IA) is the oldest bureau of the United States Department of the Interior. Established in 1824, IA currently provides services (directly or through contracts, grants, or compacts) to approximately 1.9 million American Indians and Alaska Natives. There are 565 federally recognized American Indian tribes and Alaska Natives in the United States.
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Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority
CORA LogoThe CORA governing body is composed of each tribe's chairperson and each tribes' natural resource entity chairperson. Under the CORA charter two committees were established: Great Lakes Resource Committee to serve as inter-tribal management body for the 1836 Treaty fishery and the Inland Lands and Waters Resources Committee to oversee inland resource matters. [exit notice]
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission
CRITC LogoTo protect their treaty-reserved property and sacred salmon heritage, the Warm Springs, Yakama, Umatilla, and Nez Perce tribes joined together to renew their authority in fisheries management. Out of that effort, the tribes created a coordinating and technical organization to support their joint and individual exercise of sovereign authority. [exit notice]
DOI - American Indians and Alaska Natives
DOI LogoThe U.S. Department of the Interior places a high priority on respecting the government-to-government relationship between the federal government and the federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native tribes. We are committed to their prosperity by partnering with them to address challenges in the areas of economic development, education and law enforcement as well as other issues they are concerned about. [exit notice]
Eddies: Reflections of Fisheries Conservation
USFWS LogoEddies seeks to inform its readers of the work – past, present, and future – of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Division of Fisheries and Aquatic Resource Conservation. Each issue has several feature stories and five regular departments.
Federal Register
NARA LogoPublished by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents. [exit notice]
Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission
GLIFWC LogoThe Commission represents eleven Ojibwe tribes who reserved hunting, fishing and gathering rights in the 1837, 1842, and 1854 Treaties. As a tribal resource management agency, GLIFWC strives to provide opportunities for tribal members to exercise treaty rights during well-regulated, off-reservation seasons throughout the treaty ceded territories. [exit notice]
Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council
GLITC LogoThe Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council (GLITC) supports member tribes in expanding self-determination efforts by providing services and assistance. GLITC will use a broad range of knowledge and experience to advocate for the improvement and unity of tribal governments, communities, and individuals. Throughout these activities, GLITC will maintain deep respect for tribal sovereignty and reservation community values. [exit notice]
Indian Arts and Crafts Board
IACB LogoThe Indian Arts and Crafts Board (IACB) promotes the economic development of American Indians and Alaska Natives of federally recognized Tribes through the expansion of the Indian arts and crafts market. The IACB provides promotional opportunities, general business advice, and information on the Indian Arts and Crafts Act to Native American artists, craftspeople, businesses, museums, and cultural centers of federally recognized Tribes. [exit notice]
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
To preserve and perpetuate Pueblo culture and to advance understanding by presenting with dignity and respect, the accomplishments and evolving history of the Pueblo people of New Mexico.
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USFWS ImageOur mission is to provide you with quality news, information, and entertainment from a Native American perspective. We make it easy for you to keep updated on news occuring throughout Indian Country. If you're looking for reliable, concise, and relevant information and content affecting tribes and Native Americans, your first stop is Indianz.Com.
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Inter-Tribal Bison Cooperative
ITBC LogoThe InterTribal Bison cooperative was formed in 1990 to coordinate and assist tribes in returning the buffalo to Indian country. To reestablish healthy buffalo populations on tribal lands is to reestablish hope for Indian people. Members of Inter Tribal Bison Cooperative (ITBC) understood that reintroduction of the buffalo to tribal lands will help heal the spirit of both the Indian people and the buffalo. [exit notice]
Inter-Tribal Environmental Council
ITEC LogoThe mission of the Inter-Tribal Environmental Council (ITEC) is to protect the health of Native Americans, their natural resources and their environment as it relates to air, land and water. To accomplish this mission, ITEC provides technical support, training and environmental services in a variety of environmental disciplines. Currently, there are forty-two (42) ITEC member Tribes in Oklahoma, New Mexico and Texas. [exit notice]
Inter-Tribal Timber Council
ITC LogoEstablished in 1976, the ITC is a nonprofit nation-wide consortium of Indian Tribes, Alaska Native Corporations, and individuals dedicated to improving the management of natural resources of importance to Native American communities. The ITC works cooperatively with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), private industry, and academia to explore issues and identify practical strategies and initiatives to promote social, economic and ecological values while protecting and utilizing forests, soil, water, and wildlife. Over 60 tribes and Alaska Native Corporations currently belong to the ITC.
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National Congress of American Indians
NCAI LogoThe National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) was founded in 1944 in response to termination and assimilation policies that the United States forced upon the tribal governments in contradiction of their treaty rights and status as sovereigns. NCAI stressed the need for unity and cooperation among tribal governments for the protection of their treaty and sovereign rights. [exit notice]
National Tribal Environmental Council
NTEC LogoThe National Tribal Environmental Council (NTEC) was formed in 1991 with seven tribes and input from several intertribal organizations, including the Council of Energy Resource Tribes and the Native American Rights Fund, as a membership organization dedicated to working with and assisting tribes in the protection and preservation of tribal environments. NTEC's membership is open to any federally-recognized tribe throughout the United States, and currently has 186 member tribes.
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Native American Environmental Protection Coalition
NAEPC LogoNAPEC was formed by Tribal Leaders and Elders from La Jolla, Pauma, Pechanga, and San Pasqual in 1994. NAEPC was formally established in 1997 to assist member Tribes in establishing their own environmental offices, train staff and assist in grant writing. [exit notice]
Native American Fish and Wildlife Society
NAFWS LogoAs a non-profit organization, the Society's mission is to assist Native American and Alaska Native Tribes with the conservation, protection, and enhancement of their fish and wildlife resources. [exit notice]
Native American Jobs
USFWS ImageNative American Jobs was developed on the belief that every Tribal Member should have the ability to look for and find employment in one central location. Native American Jobs purpose of providing an online job data bank available to Native American Job Seekers, Native American Tribes, and Tribal Organizations. [exit notice]
Native American Land Conservancy
NALC LogoThe Native American Land Conservancy is dedicated to the protective management of endangered Native American sacred sites and areas. Founded in 1998, the NALC has acquired threatened cultural landscapes, formed cooperative agreements with tribes, public agencies and conservation groups, and organized conferences to promote the preservation of Native American sacred lands. [exit notice]
Native American Rights Fund
NARF LogoFounded in 1970, the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) is the oldest and largest nonprofit law firm dedicated to asserting and defending the rights of Indian tribes, organizations and individuals nationwide. NARF's practice is concentrated in five key areas: the preservation of tribal existence; the protection of tribal natural resources; the promotion of Native American human rights; the accountability of governments to Native Americans; and the development of Indian law and educating the public about Indian rights, laws, and issues. [exit notice]
Native Americans and the Environment
NCSE LogoYou will find thousands of Internet and published resources described and cataloged at this site. We also have a document archive and a case studies section where we address specific issues.
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Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
NIFC LogoThe role of the NWIFC is to assist member tribes in their role as natural resources co-managers. The commission provides direct services to tribes in areas such as biometrics, fish health and salmon management to achieve an economy of scale that makes more efficient use of limited federal funding. The NWIFC also provides a forum for tribes to address shared natural resources management issues and enables the tribes to speak with a unified voice in Washington, D.C. [exit notice]
Native Web LogoNativeWeb is an international, nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to using telecommunications including computer technology and the Internet to disseminate information from and about indigenous nations, peoples, and organizations around the world; to foster communication between native and non-native peoples; to conduct research involving indigenous peoples' usage of technology and the Internet; and to provide resources, mentoring, and services to facilitate indigenous peoples' use of this technology.
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Office of Self-Governance
The Office of Self-Governance promotes, advances, and advocates the Tribal vision of Self-Governance with dignity, integrity, and respect for Tribal governments. They honor, protect and support Tribal sovereignty within a government-to-government partnership with Tribal governments, advocate for the transfer of federal programmatic authorities and resources to Tribal Governments in accordance with Tribal Self-Governance statutes and policies.
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Office of the Special Trustee
DOI LogoEstablished by the American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform Act of 1994, the Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians (OST) was created to improve the accountability and management of Indian funds held in trust by the federal government. As trustee, the Department of the Interior has the primary fiduciary responsibility to manage both tribal trust funds and Individual Indian Money accounts, as well as resources that generate income for those accounts. [exit notice]
Raven's Story LogoThe goal of Raven's Story is to record elders' stories, observations, and experiences relating to wildlife, fish, and subsistence in the Koyukuk and middle Yukon areas of interior Alaska. [exit notice]
State Departments of Natural Resources
US MapA list of natural resource departments throughout the United States.
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Tribal Energy and Environmental Information Clearinghouse
TEEIC LogoThe Tribal Energy and Environmental Information Clearinghouse (TEEIC) provides information about the environmental effects of energy development on tribal lands. The site includes information about energy resource development and associated environmental impacts and mitigation measures; guidance for conducting site-specific environmental assessments and developing monitoring programs; information about applicable federal laws and regulations; and federal and tribal points of contact. [exit notice]
Winning the FutureWinning the Future
The White House is pleased to announce the launch of “Winning the Future: President Obama and the Native American Community.” This webpage is meant to serve as another tool to help Indian Country navigate the federal government and learn about how the President’s Agenda is helping to win the future for Native Americans. [exit notice]
Disclaimer: The information provided is for informational purposes only.
It does not imply endorsement of any kind by the U.S. Government.


Last updated: September 11, 2012
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