November 26, 2007
[United States Congress]

Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that on November 21, 2007 he received notification from the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education who oversees grants for Trio Upward Bound Programs that American Samoa Community College’s Upward Bound Program has been awarded $226,600 for each year during the next four year cycle.  In 2003 ASCC became a stand alone grantee and qualified to apply for funds directly from the program rather than under a co-join application with the Northern Marianas College Upward Bound Program as it was the case previously.   

ASCC has to compete against other programs from the fifty states and insular jurisdictions by submitting a grant proposal based on program evaluations and performance reports to determine funding priority and ranking by a qualifying score each proposal receives and the amount of grant awards is allocated accordingly.

The Upward Bound projects are designed to generate in participants the skills and motivation necessary for success in education beyond secondary level.  The program provides fundamental support to participants in their preparation for college entrance.  Upward Bound serves high school students who are U.S. citizens or U.S. nationals from low-income families; high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree; and low-income, first generation military veterans who are preparing to enter postsecondary education.  The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education.
“I am very pleased that these federal funds have become available for our high school students in American Samoa to improve their chances to succeed in college,” Faleomavaega said.  “As I have always said, the key to our success as a community is in education and I strongly urge the parents of qualified high school students and the Upward Bound Program administrators at ASCC to take full advantage of this federal program and ensure its success and continuation in the future for our sons and daughters.”

“At this time, I congratulate the President of our community college, Dr. Adele Satele-Galea’i and her leadership team at ASCC for their hard work and determination which is attributable to receiving this award,” concluded Faleomavaega.


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