September 28, 2010
[United States Congress]
Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that he is thanking U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC), Senator Tom Coburn (R-SC), Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) and Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) for the support and assistance they provided his office in passing H.R. 3940 which includes a Sense of Congress regarding political status education in Guam and language to delay minimum wage increases in American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) until such time as these economies can be stabilized.

The language delays minimum wage in American Samoa in 2010 and 2011, and in CNMI in 2011.  “Because H.R. 3940 was modified by the Senate, it must now come back to the House for consideration and final passage, hopefully by voice vote,” Faleomavaega said.

“By way of separate letters, both Congressman Sablan and I have made our House leadership aware of this legislation and have asked for Speaker Pelosi, Leader Hoyer, Chairman Miller of the Education and Labor Committee, and Chairman Rahall of the Natural Resources Committee to schedule action on H.R. 3940 before Congress adjourns and before the next scheduled minimum wage increase is due to go into effect in American Samoa on September 30, 2010.”

“Successfully passing this legislation in the Senate has been a long and difficult journey with many twists and turns along the way and it took the cooperation of both parties to get this done.  Senator DeMint and Senator Coburn both expressed concerns and placed holds because they, too, have legitimate concerns about the economies of their districts and, in fairness, also want to seek minimum wage delays in the rural communities that they represent.”

“I fully understand their concerns and my heart is also with their people.  Both Senators have my assurance that I will help them in any way I can, now or later, if I am ever in a position to do so.  Since September 20, 2010, my office has been in direct contact with Senator DeMint’s office explaining American Samoa’s unique situation.  By Tuesday morning, September 21, 2010, Senator DeMint’s office informed my office that they’d be happy to let our minimum wage provision pass separately.  However, because Senator DeMint’s office informed my office that the Guam provision was a non-starter for them, I did not announce Senator DeMint’s decision at that time.  In fairness to Ms. Bordallo, I wanted to give her every opportunity to work out her provisions without bringing media attention to the issue.”

“Yesterday, Senator DeMint and Guam worked out their differences and last night I issued a release publicly thanking Senator DeMint for releasing his hold.  Today, Senator Coburn placed a hold.   After discussions with my office, he agreed to release his hold and I want to thank him and also Senator McCain’s office for weighing in on our behalf.”

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