May 26, 2005
[United States Congress]

            Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that he was pleased to welcome Representatives Olo Tagovailoa and Alex Jennings to the Nation’s Capital during their recent visit to Washington, DC.  Representative Olo is the Chairman of the House Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security, and Representative Jennings is a member of the committee.  Both were in Washington, DC to attend the GOVSEC, U.S. LAW and READY 2005 Conference and Exposition on homeland security. 


            “It was my pleasure to welcome Chairman Olo and Representative Jennings to our nation’s capital,” Congressman Faleomavaega said.  “Their visit to Washington gave us an opportunity to discuss several issues of interest and concern to the people of American Samoa.”


“Our Fono members also had the opportunity to observe some Congressional hearings on the Hill.  Chairman Olo and Representative Jennings observed an Oversight Joint Hearing by the Full Resources Committee and the International Relations Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific.  This joint hearing was designed to provide both Committees with testimonies on the ‘Changed Circumstances Petition’ which requests additional compensation for the U.S. nuclear testing in Marshall Island atolls during the 1940s and 1950s.”


            “The members also had the opportunity to observe a hearing held by the International Relations Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific regarding U.S. foreign policy in Northeast Asia where much discussion focused on our current relations and policies with North Korea and China.  After the hearing, the Representatives commented on how important it is for American Samoa to have a voice in regional and global affairs.”


            “I want to thank Chairman Olo and Representative Jennings for making time in their busy schedules to tour Capitol Hill and also to observe the legislative process.  I wish them a very safe return to American Samoa and I look forward to our continued work together,” the Congressman concluded.

Congressman Faleomavaega with (l-r) Representative Olo R.A. Tagovailoa, Papua New Guinea Ambassador to the United States Evan Paki, and Representative Alexander E. Jennings.


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