September 20, 2001


[United States Congress]
Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that he joined with House International Relations Committee Chairman Henry Hyde and Ranking Democrat Tom Lantos to welcome and meet with the new President of Indonesia, Her Excellency Megawati Sukarnoputri.  

In the meeting at the U.S.Capitol, President Megawati’s delegation included Indonesia’s Minister for Political and Security Affairs, Mr. Bambang Susilo Yudhoyomo; the Minister for Economic Affairs and former Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti; the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. N. Hassan Wirajuda; and the President’s Chief of Staff, Mr. Bambang Kesowo.

“In light of the tragic terrorist attacks on the United States this past week,” stated Faleomavaega, “I commend President Megawati, the leader of 210 million  people and the largest Islamic nation in the world, for coming to Washington and joining with our country in condemning international terrorism.  While we are thankful for Indonesia’s support and cooperation, it is also important to recognize their concern that America’s response not be perceived as anti-Muslim, for our fight is against terrorism not Islam.”              

Congressman Faleomavaega noted that President Megawati’s pledge to strengthen existing cooperation with the United States to combat global terrorism is particularly important given the rise in Indonesia of extremist, radical Islamic groups, such as Laskar Jihad, whose members have received training in Afghanistan and been involved in the Maluku Islands conflict where thousands have died.  The wide-ranging discussions also focused on Indonesia’s progress in stopping human rights violations, necessary reform of the military, and repatriation of East Timorese citizens from West Timor, among other issues.

“During the meeting, I commended and thanked President Megawati for deciding in her first major address to parliament to issue deep apologies to the people of West Papua and Aceh for the many atrocities committed by the Indonesian military over decades, “ stated Congressman Faleomavaega.  “Given Indonesia’s 300 year history of colonization where it labored under Dutch colonial rule, I noted that President Megawati more than anyone should be sensitive to concerns of human rights, self-determination and democracy.”

While raising issues of human rights abuses in West Papua, the Congressman specifically inquired as to the status of the Special Autonomy proposal for West Papua and was informed it was still in planning with implementation expected by next year.  In response to Congressman Faleomavaega’s interest in West Papua, President Megawati invited him to come to Indonesia.

“With over $20 billion of American investments in oil and mining operations, much of it in West Papua, and 36,000 of our citizens in Indonesia, the United States has numerous interests in that country and I look forward to traveling to Indonesia in response to President Megawati’s kind invitation, “ concluded Faleomavaega.

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