May 10, 2011
[United States Congress]
     Congressman Faleomavaega announced today that he met with StarKist CEO In-Soo Cho regarding operations in American Samoa.

     “Mr. Cho requested a meeting with me prior to his visit to American Samoa last month but our schedules conflicted so we talked by phone upon his return on April 8, 2011,” Faleomavaega said.  “As a follow-up to our phone conversation, it was my pleasure to welcome Mr. Cho to my Washington office today, and I feel very positive about our meeting and his commitment to our cannery workers,” Faleomavaega said. 

     “From the outset, when Dongwon Corporation purchased StarKist, I was convinced we finally had a corporate partner that is committed to our people for the long-term, provided we can help StarKist remain competitive.  Dongwon’s Chairman Kim Jae-chul began his career in American Samoa as a long-line fisherman and, as a result, making StarKist Samoa successful is personal for him.  And it’s personal for me, as well.”

     “This is why I have stood by StarKist through thick and thin and why I intend to do everything I can to make sure Mr. Cho and Chairman Kim are successful in their efforts while operating in the Territory.  Part of their success hinges on making sure that whatever local incentives were offered to Tri-Marine are also offered to StarKist.”

     “Making StarKist successful also means helping StarKist resolve its storage and freezer problems and I am hopeful, given that StarKist is our most important corporate partner right now, that ASG will make every effort to help StarKist with freezer storage.”

     “We will also continue our efforts at the federal level to delay minimum wage, enforce Coast Guard regulations requiring tuna boats to pull into American Samoa’s port once a year if they want a crew exemption.  We’ll also push forward on the South Pacific Tuna Treaty and also take a new look at tax breaks.”

     “If possible, it is also my intent to meet with Chairman Kim Jae-chul next week since I will be in South Korea attending the G-20 Speaker’s Summit as part of my duties as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific.  While I will be issuing a more detailed release about my upcoming visit to Korea, I do want Chairman Kim to know how much I appreciate that he has chosen Mr. Cho as his new CEO and President.”

     “StarKist’s previous President, Mr. Don Binotto, worked tirelessly on behalf of StarKist and our workers and it is clear to me that Mr. Cho has the same commitment and dedication.  He comes to us with a depth of experience that I believe is right for this time.  I have every reason to believe under his leadership, he will take StarKist to the next level.”

     “As he does so, I will be with him every step of the way at the federal level.  He has my full support and I look forward to working closely with him,” Faleomavaega concluded. 

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