May 22, 2009
[United States Congress]

Congressman Faleomavaega today offered his personal congratulations to the sons and daughters of American Samoa who will be graduating this year from our prestigious military academies.  This year’s graduates include:  Mr. Edgar Carnecer and Ms. Maelina Sakaio from the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA) in Annapolis, Maryland, and Ms. Mercy Te’o and Mr. Richie Amisone from the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  In 2006, Faleomavaega nominated Edgar Carnecer, Mercy Te’o, and Richie Amisone to the U.S. Military Service Academies, and since then, they have strived to better themselves through formal education and vigorous military training.  Edgar and Maelina will be commissioned Ensign while Mercy and Richie will be Second Lieutenant.

Richie Li’atama Amisone graduated from Samoana High School where he was student body President in 2004. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Li’atama and Lydia Amisone.  Mercy Te’o graduated from Faga’itua High School in 2004 and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samia Tupe Te’o and Epenesa Te’o Jennings.  Edgar Carnecer graduated from Fa’asao-Marist High School, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar and Nima Carnecer.  Maelina Sakaio is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael and Paelasi Sakaio.

Faleomavaega also wants to recognize the distinguished individuals who will be graduating from Wentworth Military Academy and College in Lexington, Missouri on May 23, 2009.  These include Danielle Monroe and Emosi Time from Leone High School, and Ruth Fa’atiga from Faga’itua High School.  Upon graduation, Danielle Monroe and Emosi Time will continue their education at Cameron University in Lawton, Oklahoma while Ruth Fa’atiga will attend University of Missouri-Kansas City to obtain their Bachelor’s degrees and further their military careers.  Each of these students will receive their commission as Second Lieutenant on graduation day but will not be eligible to serve as a regular officer on active duty until the completion of an undergraduate degree program prior to 36 months after graduation.

“I am very proud of these young sons and daughters of American Samoa graduating from our nation’s prestigious military academies,” said Faleomavaega.  “I appreciate their dedication to serve and to represent American Samoa at this time in our nation’s history.  They represent and continue a legacy of the many soldiers who served or continue to serve in our military today.  These young officers are trailblazers and remain vigilant role models for our youth who will attend our academies in the future or remain an integral part of our local Junior Reserved Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) Program.”         

“As a Vietnam veteran and a former reserve officer myself, I am proud of their achievements and look forward to their contributions to our military service.  Again, I want to congratulate our newly commissioned officers and, especially, those who recently enlisted to serve in our Armed Forces.  I also want to recognize their parents and families for their endless support and prayers for their children.  I pray for their continued success and I wish them the very best in the future,” the Congressman concluded.


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