August 8, 2011
[United States Congress]
     Congressman Faleomavaega today offered his congratulations to the American Samoa Government (ASG) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for x-ray machines to be placed at the Pago Pago International Airport. As reported by the Samoa News, the USDA has agreed to fund the purchase of x-ray machines for the customs arrival area to screen incoming passenger baggage.

     “I want to commend Governor Togiola and the leadership of the American Samoa Department of Agriculture – Director Lefiti A. Pese and Deputy Director Peter Gurr – for their hard work to improve security for our territory,” Faleomavaega said. “I also want to thank Secretary Vilsack, and especially Gregory L. Parham, Administrator for the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), for their willingness to work with us to address our concerns,” Faleomavaega added.

     “Late last year, I received a request from Mr. Lefiti to assist on the matter concerning USDA APHIS pre-departure inspection services for American Samoa. Mr Lefiti especially noted that, because of the lack of resources, American Samoa did not have equipment such as x-ray machines to identify invasive species and harmful pests that could enter the territory. It was most beneficial, therefore, that APHIS performs pre-departure inspections in Hawaii to American Samoa-bound flights,” Faleomavaega said.

     “After further research and consideration, I requested USDA to look into the treatment of territories under the APHIS program. In particular, I noted that the intent of Congress under the authorizing law (P.L. 106-224, Title IV) is to include all the territories. However, for some reason, APHIS pre-departure cargo inspections are not administered to flights to American Samoa, but only to Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). This is a serious matter since, other than smaller commuter flights from the Independent State of Samoa, the Honolulu flight is the only one serving American Samoa. The lack of APHIS inspection, therefore, puts American Samoa at great risk from invasive species and harmful diseases, and the potential threat could be catastrophic to the natural resources, environment and people of American Samoa,” Faleomavaega explained.

    “In the response received by my office on May 17, 2011, Mr. Parham, Administrator of USDA APHIS program, wrote that they have agreed to initiate an operational assessment of how their Agency manages risk for agricultural air cargo moving from Hawaii to island territories, including American Samoa. The assessment is to be completed in a few months. In the meantime, USDA will work with American Samoa authorities to address our concerns.”

    “I am very pleased with the news that the USDA has agreed to fund x-ray machines for the Tafuna airport. The new equipments would not only detect invasive species and other harmful pests, but also deter people from bringing illegal drugs and other illegal possessions to the territory. Again, I thank USDA and ASG for working together to improve airport security in our territory,” Faleomavaega concluded.

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