Population Fact Sheets

  1. Child Beneficiaries
    & Poverty
  2. Never
  3. Taxable Maximum
  4. Veteran

Veteran Beneficiaries, 2011

Released: April 2012
Next expected update: Winter 2013
  • In 2011, almost 9.3 million veterans received Social Security benefits, accounting for 21 percent of all adult beneficiaries.
Number of Veteran Beneficiaries, 2011
In thousands
Bar chart linked to data in table format.
Average Monthly Benefit, 2010
In 2010 dollars
Bar chart linked to data in table format.
Poverty Rates of Beneficiaries, 2010
Percentage below 100% of poverty
Bar chart linked to data in table format.
SOURCE: March 2011 Current Population Survey of the U.S. Census Bureau.