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Occupational safety and health   Occupations   Older workers

Occupational safety and health

(See also Workplace injuries and illnesses.)
BLS and Alice Hamilton: pioneers in industrial healthJun. 1986.
BLS develops measure of job risk by occupation (PDF).—Oct. 1981.
Can you hear me now? Occupational hearing loss, 2004–2010July 2012.
Census approach to counting fatal work injuries, A. (PDF 342K).—Dec. 1990.
Changing character of fatal work injuries, The.Oct. 1994.
Changing inequity in work injuries and work timing.Oct. 1999.
Coal industry resurgence attracts variety of new workers (PDF).—Jan. 1981.
Collective bargaining agreements: safety and health provisions.May 1998.
Diurnal pattern of on-the-job injuries, The.Sept. 2004.
Fatal occupational injuries at road construction sites, 2003–07.Nov. 2010.
Fatal occupational injuries at road construction sites.Dec. 2004.
Fatal work injuries: census for 31 States.Sept. 1992.
Foreign-born workers: trends in fatal occupational injuries, 1996–2001Jun. 2004.
Improvements in the BLS safety and health statistical system.Apr. 1996.
Industry shifts in hours and nonfatal work injuries and illnesses, 2003–2008June 2012.
Injuries and illnesses among bituminous and lignite coal miners.Oct. 1993.
Injuries at work are fewer among older employees (PDF).—Mar. 1981.
International analysis of workplace injuries, An.Mar. 2004.
Heat burns sustained in the workplace (PDF).—July 1990.
How valid are estimates of occupational illness?Aug. 1982.
Job safety law of 1970: its passage was perilous, The (PDF).—Mar. 1981.
Motion-related wrist disorders traced to industries, occupations.Sept. 1983.
Multiyear nonfatal work injury rates.May 2006.
Nonfatal injuries and illnesses in State and local government workplaces in 2008.Feb. 2011.
Occupational fatalities: self-employed workers and wage and salary workersMar. 2004.
Occupational injury and illness rates, 1992-96: why they fell.Nov. 1998.
Occupational safety and health statistics: new data for a new century.Oct. 2005.
On guard against workplace hazards.Feb. 2012.
Profiles in safety and health:
Eating and drinking places.June 1991. 
Fabricated structural metal.Dec. 1991.
Hotels and motels.July 1993. 
Pilots and flight attendants.Apr. 1992. 
Soft drink industry.Apr. 1992. 
Relation of age to workplace injuries, The.July 1988.
Self-employed individuals fatally injured at work.Aug. 1995. 
Safety and health in roofing and sheet metal.Sept. 1990.
U.S. and Japanese work injury and illness experiences.Apr. 1992.
Understanding statistics on occupational illnesses (PDF).—Mar. 1981.
Using statistics to manage a State safety and health program (PDF).—Mar. 1981.
Work-related amputations by type and prevalence (PDF).—Mar. 1981.


American work force, 1992-2005: Occupational employment.Nov. 1993.
Are more college graduates really taking 'high school' jobs?Dec. 1995.
Caring for America's aging population: a profile of the direct-care workforce.Sept. 2007.
Changes in hospital staffing patterns.Mar. 1991.
Declining middle class: a further analysis, The.Sept. 1986.
Early history of the Occupational Outlook Handbook, The.May 1999.
Effect of business ownership change on occupational employment and wages, The.Sept. 2008.
Employment change by occupation, industry, and earnings quartile, 2000-05.Dec. 2006.
Employment trends in the security brokers and dealers industry.Sept. 1995.
Establishment wage differentials.Apr. 2007.
Evaluating BLS labor force, employment, and occupation projections for 2000.Jul. 2005.
Evaluating the 1980 projections of occupational employment.Jul. 1982.
Evaluating the 1990 projections of occupational employment.Aug. 1992.
Evaluating the 1995 occupational employment projections.Sept. 1997.; Erratum, Oct. 1997.
Evaluating the BLS 1988–2000 employment projections.Oct. 2003.
Examination of occupational mobility among full-time workers, An.Sept. 2003.
Exploring low-wage labor with the National Compensation Survey.Nov./Dec. 2003.
Foreign trade alternatives for employment and occupations, 2005.Nov. 1994.
Gender differences in occupational distributions among workers.Jun. 2007.
Gender differences in occupational employment.Apr. 1997.
Health care alternatives: employment and occupations in 2005.Apr. 1994.
High technology today and tomorrow: small slice of employment.Nov. 1983.
How hours of work affect occupational earnings.—Oct. 1998.
How shifting occupational composition has affected the real average wage.—Jun. 2009.
How widely do wages vary within jobs in the same establishment?Feb. 2008.
Influx of women into legal professions: an economic analysis, The.Aug. 2002.
International Report: Korean Occupational Outlook Handbook: first editionMay 2000.
Job and industry gender segregation: NAICS categories and EEO-1 job groups.Nov. 2011.
Nature of employment growth, 1989-95, The.June 1996.
Nature of occupational employment growth: 1983-93, The.June 1995.
New and emerging occupations.Dec. 2004.
Nonprofit organizations: new insights from QCEW data.Sept. 2005.
Occupational change: pursuing a different kind of work.Sept. 1989.
Occupational changes during the 20th century.Mar. 2006.
Occupational employment based on 1972 and 1987 SIC (PDF 263K).—May 1990.
Occupational employment growth through 1990 (PDF).—Aug. 1981.
Occupational employment in commercial banking, 1987-90.Apr. 1993.
Occupational employment projections.Nov. 1991.
Occupational employment in the not-for-profit sector.Nov. 2008.
Occupational employment projections through 1995.Nov. 1983.
Occupational employment projections to 2014.Nov. 2005.
Occupational employment projections to 2006.Nov. 1997; Erratum, Dec. 1997.
Occupational employment projections to 2008.Nov. 1999.
Occupational employment projections to 2010Nov. 2001.
Occupational employment projections to 2012Feb. 2004.
Occupational employment projections to 2016.Nov. 2007.
Occupational employment to 2005.Nov. 1995.
Occupational employment: wide variations in growth.Nov. 1993.
Occupational mobility, January 2004.Dec. 2005.
Occupational mobility and job tenure in 1983.Oct. 1984.
Occupational Outlook Handbook: a review of 50 years of changeMay 1999.
Occupational reclassification and distribution by genderMar. 1984.
Occupational trends in advertising, 1984-90.Sept. 1992.
Occupational winners and losers: who they were during 1972-80.Jun. 1982.
Rankings of full-time occupations, by earnings, 2000.Mar. 2002.
Recent data on job prospects of college-educated youth.Aug. 1993.
Revising the Standard Occupational Classification systemMay 1999.
Revising the Standard Occupational Classification system for 2010Aug. 2010.
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) occupations: a visual essayMay 2011.
Service-providing occupations, offshoring, and the labor market.Dec. 2008.
Teachers’ work patterns: when, where, and how much do U.S. teachers work?Mar. 2008.
What do OES data have to say about increasing wage inequality?Jun. 2009.
White-collar pay determination under range-of-rate systems.Dec. 1984.
White-collar pay in goods and production, March 1990 (PDF 305K).—Dec. 1990.
Work and the work force in the nonprofit sector.Apr. 1983.

Older workers

Aging of the U.S. population: human resource implications, The.May 1983.
Changing retirement age: ups and downsApr. 2001.
Early retirement: an international overviewMar. 1987.
Elderly and nonelderly expenditures on necessities in the 1980s.Sept. 1996.
Experimental consumer price index for elderly Americans (CPI-E): 1982–2007, The.Apr. 2008.
Experimental price index for elderly consumers.May 1994.
Fatal occupational injuries to older workers in farming, 1995-2002.Oct. 2005.
Flexible and partial retirement in Norway and Sweden.Oct. 1985.
Health care and prescription drug spending by seniorsMar. 2003.
How do families fare when the breadwinner retires?Dec. 1983.
How do older Americans spend their time?May 2007.
Income distribution of older AmericansNov. 2000.
Injuries, illnesses, and fatalities among older workers.Oct. 2005.
Injuries at work are fewer among older employees (PDF).—Mar. 1981.
Institutional barriers to employment of older workers.Apr. 1989.
Labor force participation of older women: retired? working? both?Sept 2002
Labor market problems of older workers, The.May 1983.
Older men: pushed into retirement in the 1970s and 1980s by the baby boomers?May 2012.
Older workers and short-term jobs: employment patterns and determinantsMay 2012.
Older workers: employment and retirement trends.Oct. 2000.
Older workers: increasing their labor force participation and hours of work.Jan. 2008.
Older workers in the 21st century: active and educated, a case study.June 1996.
Relation of age to workplace injuries, The.July 1988.
Retirement age declines again in 1990sOct. 2001.
Self-employment in the United States: an update.Jul. 2004.
Self-employment among older U.S. workersJul. 2004.
Spending by older consumers: 1980 and 1990 compared.May 1993.
Spending patterns of elderly workers and nonworkers.May 1990.
Spending patterns of older persons revealed in expenditure survey.Oct. 1986.
Sweden combats unemployment of young and older workers.Oct. 1982.
Today's pension plans: how much do they pay?Dec. 1985.
Trends in job demands among older workers, 1992–2002.Jul. 2004.
Trends in labor force participation in the United States.Oct. 2006.
Trends in retirement age in four countries, 1965-95.—Aug. 1998
Variations in time use at stages of the life cycle..—Sept. 2005.
Work after early retirement: an increasing trend among men.Apr. 1995.

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