DATABASES: Library of Congress E-Resources Online Catalog

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Database Title: American State Papers, 1789-1838
Alternate Title(s): Archive of Americana (American State Papers, 1789-1838)
Coverage: 1789-1838
Description: Contains the legislative and executive documents of Congress during the period 1789 to 1838. The database covers such historical events as Lewis and Clark's Expedition, Burr's Conspiracy and Arrest, and the Treaty of the Creek Indians. Other documents address the Battle with the Seminole Indians, Capture of the British Fleet on Lake Champlain, Depredations Committed by Mounted Riflemen, Exploration of the Pacific Ocean, Free Negroes in North Carolina, Land for Female Academies, Protection of the Western Frontier, Trade with China and much more. The American State Papers however are not a complete record of the activities of that time period because of the fire of 1814 and the lack of record keeping during the first fourteen Congresses. The classes into which the publications were assembled and printed retrospectively and the number of volumes they occupy are: I, Foreign Relations in six volumes; II, Indian Affairs in two volumes; III, Finance in five volumes; IV, Commerce and Navigation in two volumes; V, Military Affairs in seven volumes; VI, Naval Affairs in four volumes; VII, Post-office Department in one volume; VIII, Public Lands in eight volumes; IX, Claims in one volume; and X, Miscellaneous in two volumes.
Provider: Readex
Topics: Manuscript Reading Room
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