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Every year our Specialists support and promote a number of Trade Shows in the U.S. that are part of the International Buyers Program. By clicking the different links you are directed to the Trade Show site where you can find information and evaluate how important it is for you to participate, meet and discuss with our Specialists the opportunities for Your products in our Country and Region.

November 2011

American Film Market 2011, November 2-9,2011 Santa Monica California

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Birgitta Gardelius

December 2011

PowerGen 2011, December 13-15, 2011. Las Vegas, Nevada

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Tuula Ahlström

January 2012

International CES, Jan 10-13, 2012. Las Vegas, Nevada

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Gunilla LaRoche

World of Concrete 2012, January 24-27, 2012. Las Vegas, Nevada

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Tuula Ahlström

February 2012

International Builders Show 2012, February 8-10,2012. Orlando, Florida

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Tuula Ahlström

Toy Fair 2012, February 12-15,2012. New York, New York

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Birgitta Gardelius

MAGIC 2012, February 13-15, 2012. Las Vegas, Nevada

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Birgitta Gardelius

March 2012

Int'l Home and Housewares show 2012, March 10-13, 2012. Chicago, Illinois

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Birgitta Gardelius

Natural Products Expo West 2012, March 8-11, 2012, Anaheim California

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Catharina Kronström

Nightclub & Bar Convention and Trade Show 2012, March 13-14, 2012. Las Vegas Nevada

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Birgitta Gardelius

April 2012

International Plastics Showcase NPE 2012, April 1-5, 2012. Orlando, Florida.

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Tuula Ahlström

National Association of Broadcasters 2012, April 16-19, 2012. Las Vegas, Nevada

Commerical Specialist covering the sector: Gunilla LaRoche

May 2012

Waste Expo 2012, May 1-3 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Catharina Kronström

NRA Show 2012, May 5-8, 2012. Chicago, Illinois

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Birgitta Gardelius

CTIA Wireless 2012, May 8-10 2012. New Orleans , Louisiana

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Gunilla LaRoche

June 2012

Windpower 2012, June 3-6 2012. Atlanta Georgia.

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Tuula Ahlström

July 2012

AACC Clinical Lab 2012, July 15-19 2012.Los Angeles, California

Commercial Specialist covering the sector: Catharina Kronström

CS Sweden Supported Events
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