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Summary Report for:
11-9013.02 - Farm and Ranch Managers

Plan, direct, or coordinate the management or operation of farms, ranches, greenhouses, aquacultural operations, nurseries, timber tracts, or other agricultural establishments. May hire, train, or supervise farm workers or contract for services to carry out the day-to-day activities of the managed operation. May engage in or supervise planting, cultivating, harvesting, financial, or marketing activities.

This title represents an occupation for which data collection is currently underway.

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Tasks  |  Tools & Technology  |  Education  |  Related Occupations  |  Wages & Employment  |  Additional Information


  • Change processes such as drying, grading, storing, or shipping to improve efficiency or profitability.
  • Determine types or quantities of crops or livestock to be raised, according to factors such as market conditions, federal programs or incentives, or soil conditions.
  • Direct crop production operations, such as planning, tilling, planting, fertilizing, cultivating, spraying, or harvesting.
  • Direct the breeding or raising of stock, such as cattle, poultry, or honeybees, using recognized breeding practices to ensure stock improvement.
  • Evaluate marketing or sales alternatives for farm or ranch products.
  • Hire, train, or supervise workers engaged in planting, cultivating, irrigating, harvesting, or marketing crops, or in raising livestock.
  • Inspect farm or ranch structures, such as buildings, fences, or roads, ordering repair or maintenance activities, as needed.
  • Maintain financial, operational, production, or employment records for farms or ranches.
  • Monitor activities such as irrigation, chemical application, harvesting, milking, breeding, or grading to ensure adherence to safety regulations or standards.
  • Monitor pasture or grazing land use to ensure that livestock are properly fed or that conservation methods, such as rotational grazing, are used. Green Task Statement

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Tools & Technology

Tools used in this occupation:

Animal husbandry equipment — Animal feeders; Artificial insemination kits
Haymaking machinery — Hay balers; Hay mowing machines
Light trucks or sport utility vehicles — Farm trucks; Four wheel drive 4WD trucks
Mowers — Brush mowers; Mowing equipment
Veterinary injection or suction units or accessories — Animal blood collection syringes; Animal vaccination syringes

Technology used in this occupation:

Accounting software — AgData Blue Skies Accounting; Datatech The Farmer's Office; Specialized Data Systems Ultra Farm; Vertical Solutions Easy-Farm Accounting
Analytical or scientific software — MapShots EASi Suite; SST Development Group SSToolbox; Sunrise Software CropSave
Data base user interface and query software — Ag Leader Technology SMS Advanced; Cattlesoft CattleMax; TapLogic FarmLogic; Trimble Farm Works software
Enterprise resource planning ERP software — Accutech Systems Corporation AccuFarm-MGR; i.Agri LandMark Farm; International Response Technologies CowChip - Ranch House; Midwest MicroSystems Cow Sense
Map creation software — DIVA-GIS *; ESRI ArcPad; Geographic resources analysis support system GRASS* software; TatukGIS Editor

* Software developed by a government agency and/or distributed as freeware or shareware.

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This occupation may require a background in the following science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) educational disciplines:

Life Sciences — Agricultural Animal Breeding; Agronomy and Crop Science; Animal Sciences; Animal Sciences, General; Dairy Science; Horse Husbandry/Equine Science and Management (see all 10 programs)

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Related Occupations

11-9013.03 Aquacultural Managers   Bright Outlook Bright Outlook  
13-1021.00 Buyers and Purchasing Agents, Farm Products   Green Occupation Green
19-1031.02 Range Managers
25-9021.00 Farm and Home Management Advisors Green Occupation
45-1011.06 First-Line Supervisors of Aquacultural Workers
45-1011.07 First-Line Supervisors of Agricultural Crop and Horticultural Workers Green Occupation
45-1011.08 First-Line Supervisors of Animal Husbandry and Animal Care Workers
45-2011.00 Agricultural Inspectors Green Occupation
45-2092.02 Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop
45-3011.00 Fishers and Related Fishing Workers

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Wages & Employment Trends


Median wages data collected from Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers.
Employment data collected from Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers.
Industry data collected from Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers.

Median wages (2011) $31.09 hourly, $64,660 annual
Employment (2010) 1,203,000 employees
Projected growth (2010-2020) Decline slowly or moderately (-3% to -9%) Decline slowly or moderately (-3% to -9%)
Projected job openings (2010-2020) 234,500
Top industries (2010)

State & National


Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics 2011 wage data external site and 2010-2020 employment projections external site. "Projected growth" represents the estimated change in total employment over the projections period (2010-2020). "Projected job openings" represent openings due to growth and replacement.

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Sources of Additional Information

Disclaimer: Sources are listed to provide additional information on related jobs, specialties, and/or industries. Links to non-DOL Internet sites are provided for your convenience and do not constitute an endorsement.

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