Exchange of Letters Between the U.S. Department of Commerce-NTIA and Mexico's Ministry of Communications and Transportation Amending the Protocol for the Allotment and Use of the 380-399.9 MHz Band for Certain Radiocommunication Services

March 8, 2011


[Seal – United Mexican States]
Secretariat of Communications and Transportation
Bureau of Telecommunications and Broadcasting Policy 2.1.-2254
Mexico City, D.F., March 8, 2011

Mr. Lawrence E. Strickling
Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information
National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the Department of Commerce

Dear Mr. Strickling:

I refer to your note of January 21, 2011, in which you propose an amendment to the Protocol between the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation [SCT] of the United Mexican States and the Department of State of the United States ofAmerica Concerning the Allotment and Use of the 380-399.9 MHz Band for Fixed and Mobile Terrestrial Non-Broadcasting Services Along the Common Border (hereinafter, "the Protocol"), signed at Mexico City on July 27, 2005, and amended by an exchange of notes on July 17, 2006, and again on July 3, 2008, pursuant to Articles IV and V of the Agreement between the Government of the United Mexican States and the Government of the United States ofAmerica Concerning the Allotment and Use of the Frequency Bands by Terrestrial Non-Broadcasting Radiocommunication Services Along the Common Border, signed at Williamsburg, Virginia, on June 16, 1994.

Accordingly, pursuant to Article II, paragraph 1 of the Protocol, which designates the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation as the Administration designated by the United Mexican States for the purposes of the above-mentioned Protocol, I have the honor to inform you that the your proposed amendment is acceptable to the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation in the following terms proposed in your note of January 21, 2011:

Article IV, paragraph 3.b shall read as follows:

b. The limited temporary use permitted under the terms set forth in the prior provisions of this paragraph may continue only until the two Administrations either agree upon and implement the alternative radio-frequency band for the assigned use or until January 1, 2015, whichever occurs first. If the two Administrations agree upon an alternative radio-frequency band for the assigned use for any U.S. station prior to January 1, 2015, the limited temporary use of the frequencies by that U.S. station shall end when cross-border operations are deployed and transmissions by that U.S. station begin on the alternative frequency band.

In view of the foregoing, I am also pleased to agree, on behalf of the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation, that your letter and this affirmative reply shall constitute an agreement between the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation of the United Mexican States and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the Department of Commerce of the United States of America, which agreement shall enter into force on the date of signature of this note.

In the absence of further business, I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.

Very truly yours,


Hector Olavarria Tapia
Director General
[SCT stamp]

cc: Mr. Dionisio Perez-Jicome Friscione, Secretary of Communications and Transportation (SCT);
Mr. Mony de Swaan Addati, Chairman, Federal Telecommunications Commission (COFETEL).

Direccion General de Politica de Telecomunicaciones y de Radiodifusion
Mexico, D.F., a 08 Mar. 2011

Sr. Lawrence E. Strickling
Secretario Auxillar do Comunicaciones e Information
Administration National de Telecomunicaciones e Information Departamento de Comercio

Estimado Sr. Strickling:

Me refiero a su nota de fecha 21 de enero de 2011, a travas de la cual propone una enmienda al "Protocolo entre la Secretarla de Comunicaciones y Transportes de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos de America relativo la Adjudication y Uso do la Banda de 380-399.9 MHz para los Servicios Fijo y Movil Terrenal Excepto Radiodifusidn a lo Largo de la Frontera Comun" (en adelante el "Protocolo"), firmado en la Ciudad de Mexico el 27 de julio de 2005, enmendado mediante intercambio de notas de fechas 17 de Julio de 2006 y 3 de Julio de 2008, de conformidad con los Articulos IV y V del "Acuerdo entre el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y el Gobiemo de los Estados Unidos de America relativo a la atribucion, y el uso de las bandas de frecuencias por los Servicios Terrenales de Radiocomunicaciones, excepto Radiodifusion, a lo largo de la frontera comun," firmado en Williamsburg, Virginia, el 16 de junio de 1994.

Al respecto, de conformidad con el Articulo II, parrafo I del Protocolo, en donde se designa a la Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos como la Administraci6n de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos para los propbsitos del Protocolo en comento, tengo el honor de informarle que esta Secretarla acepta su propuesta de enmienda en los terminos propuestos en su nota de fecha 21 de enero do 2011:

En tal sentido, el Articulo IV, parrafo 3.b debera reflejar la siguiente redaccion:

b. El limitado use temporal permitido bajo los terminos establecidos en las disposiciones anteriores de este parrafo podran continuar unicamente hasta que las dos Administraciones acuerden e implementen la banda de radiofrecuencia alterna para el uso asignado o hasta el 1 de enero de 2015, lo que ocurra primero. Si las dos Administraciones Ilegan a un acuerdo respecto a una banda alterna de radiofrecuencia para el use asignado en cualquier estacion estadounidense antes del 1 de enero de 2015, el uso limitado temporal de las frecuencias por parte de esa estacion estadounidense terminara cuando las operaciones transfronterizas sean desplegadas y empiecen las transmisiones por parte de dicha estaci6n estadounidense en la banda de frecuencia alterna.

Considerando lo anterior, tengo el agrado de convenir que la nota que nos hizo el favor de enviar y esta respuesta en sentido afirmativo constituyan un Acuerdo entre la Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y la Administracion Nacional de Telecomunicaciones a Informacion del Departamento de Comercio de los Estados Unidos de America, mismo que entrara en vigor a partir de la fecha de firma del presente documento.

Sin mas por el momento, aprovecho la oportunidad para reiterarle la seguridad de mi mas alta y distinguida consideracion.

El Director General


Hector Olavarria Tapia

C.C.P. Mtro. Dionisio Perez-Jacome Friscione.- Secretario de Comunicaciones y Transportes. - Para su conocimiento.
Mtro, Mony de Swaan Addati: Presidente de la Comision Federal de Telecomunicaciones.- Para su conocimiento.

The Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information
Washington, D.C. 20230

JAN 21 2011

Mr. Hector Olavarria Tapia
Director General of Telecommunications and Broadcasting Policy
Secretariat of Communications and Transportation
Xola y Avenida Universidad
Cuerpo "C" Primer Piso
C.P. 03020 Mexico D.F.

Dear Mr. Olavarria:

Pursuant to Articles IV and V of the Agreement Between the Government of the United States ofAmerica and the Government of the United Mexican States Concerning the Allocation and Use of Frequency Bands by Terrestrial Non-Broadcasting Radiocommunication Services Along the Common Border signed at Williamsburg, Virginia on June 16, 1994 (the "1994 Agreement"), the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the Department of Commerce of the United States of America is the designated Administration for the United States under Article II, paragraph I of the Protocol Between the Department of State of the United States of America and the Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes of the United Mexican States Concerning the Allotment and Use of the 380-399.9 MHz Band for Fixed and Mobile Terrestrial Non-Broadcasting Services Along the Common Border, signed at Mexico City on July 27, 2005, as amended (the "2005 Protocol"). I am pleased to propose that the 2005 Protocol, which was initially amended by an exchange of letters dated July 17, 2006 and further amended by an exchange of letters dated July 3, 2008, be further amended as follows:

Article IV, paragraph 3.b shall be further amended to read as follows:

b. The limited temporary use permitted under the terms set forth in the prior provisions of this paragraph may continue only until the two Administrations either agree upon and implement the alternative radio-frequency band for the assigned use or until January 1, 2015, whichever occurs first. If both Administrations agree upon an alternative radio-frequency band for the assigned use for any U.S. station prior to January 1, 2015, the limited temporary use of the frequencies by that U.S. station shall end when cross­border operations are deployed and transmissions by that U.S. station begin on the alternative frequency band.

If the above-proposed amendment is acceptable to the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation, I further propose that this letter and your affirmative letter in reply shall constitute an agreement between the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the Department of Commerce of the United States of America and the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation of the United Mexican States, which agreement shall enter into force on the date of your letter in reply.



Lawrence E. Strickling

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