Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez Traveling to Turkey

Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
January 21, 2011


Assistant Secretary Jose W. Fernandez travels to Turkey from January 24 to January 27, 2011, in keeping with the United States’ commitment to deepen and expand the economic engagement between the United States and Turkey. Michael C. Camuñez, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Market Access and Compliance, will travel with him. As part of ongoing policy discussions, Assistant Secretaries Fernandez and Camuñez will coordinate with the government and the private sector in Turkey to build support for further strengthening of economic and commercial relations between the two countries.

Both Assistant Secretaries will meet with Turkish Government representatives to discuss trade, investment, pharmaceutical, energy, agricultural, and transportation issues. They will continue their engagement with U.S. and Turkish private sector representatives to explore opportunities for further commercial cooperation. Assistant Secretary Fernandez will visit leading universities to discuss the development of entrepreneurship programs as well as opportunities to expand research and development cooperation and investments to support the creation of a knowledge-based economy. He will also give remarks at two business association meetings.

For updates, follow Assistant Secretary Fernandez on Twitter@EconEngage and on Facebook

PRN: 2011/091


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