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MAR Announces Outreach Training Award Winners

Congratulations to our two awardees!

Institution: Hospital for Special Surgery- Kim Barrett Memorial Library, New York, NY

Project Manager: Timothy Roberts, MLS, AHIP

Project Title: Senior Access to Health Information

Project Summary: Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) strives to be branded as the most trusted educator of patients, the public, and health professions.  To ensure excellence, the Education Division at HSS fosters learning environments that will provide professional and community education programs. The Senior Access to Health Information Program (SAHIP) is a program designed through the partnership of the HSS Kim Barrett Memorial Library (KBML) and the HSS Greenberg Academy for Successful Aging  (GASA) with two primary objectives: to integrate health information resources from National Library of Medicine (NLM) into the existing GASA community outreach and health education curriculum; and implement a series of computer training programs, age and information appropriate, for seniors that address computer literacy and accessing health information from NLM, the National Institutes for Health (NIH) and other credible health information sources.

Award Amount: $10,000

Institution: New York University Health Sciences Libraries, New York, NY

Project Manager: Francesca Gany, MD, MS

Project Title: HEALP : Health Education on Access through Libraries and Peers; A Pilot Project

Project Summary: All immigrants have a right to medical treatment in New York, and many low-income immigrants can enroll in public health insurance coverage, regardless of their immigration status. HEALP will create a partnership between the NYU Health Sciences Libraries, the NYU Center for Immigrant Health and the New York City School system to equip the school librarian with the knowledge and skills to teach health care system access to student peer educators, and to provide students with formal and informal opportunities to discuss health issues with adults and peers in an atmosphere of mutual respect and factual discussion. The HEALP goal is to enhance student health literacy by training librarians and student peer educators on how to appropriately access health care information in general, and information on health system utilization in particular. The school librarian will be the focal point for health knowledge and information and will work closely with the NYU Health Science Libraries, the NYU Center for Immigrant Health, and school administrators and guidance counselors to supervise a group of student peer educators to enable effective information dissemination.

Award Amount: $9,964

The purpose of the NN/LM MAR Outreach Training awards is for Full and Affiliate Network members to train and promote awareness of the products and services of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and NN/LM:

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