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Julia Laskin

Julia Laskin

Chemical Physics & Analysis
Laboratory Fellow
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
MSIN: K8-88
Richland, WA 99352

Research Interests

  • Fundamental aspects of activation and dissociation of complex molecular ions in tandem mass spectrometry. Ion activation and dissociation constitute the scientific basis underlying tandem mass spectrometry, one of the most important analytical methods developed in the last century. We use a combination of experimental studies of collisional activation and dissociation of complex molecules in a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer with RRKM modeling to determine the internal energy distribution of excited ions and the energetics and dynamics of dissociation for the ion of interest.
  • Soft-landing of mass selected ions on surfaces allows us to explore fundamental aspects of ion-surface interactions relevant to a broad range of scientific disciplines including biology, materials science, mass spectrometry, imaging and spectroscopy. Exposure of surfaces to ions of known mass and composition presents a highly specific approach for surface modification and preparation of novel materials. In addition these studies allow us to obtain molecular level understanding of interactions of biomolecules with hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces in living systems.
  • Characterization of chemical composition of secondary organic aerosols (SOA). In particular, we are interested in understanding kinetics and mechanisms of formation of large organic polymers that constitute a significant fraction of SOA, identification of their chemical structure, and studying the effect of these polymers on physical properties of aerosols relevant to climate change.

Education and Credentials

  • M.Sc. 1990 from Leningrad Polytechnical Institute, Russia
  • Ph.D 1998 from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • American Chemical Society
  • American Society for Mass Spectrometry
  • American Vacuum Society

Awards and Recognitions

PNNL Publications


  • Johnson GE, TA Priest, and J Laskin. 2012. "Charge Retention by Gold Clusters on Surfaces Prepared Using Soft Landing of Mass Selected Ions ." ACS Nano 6(1):573-582.  doi:10.1021/nn2039565
  • Laskin J, Z Yang, C Lam, and IK Chu. 2012. "Energy and Entropy Effects in Dissociation of Peptide Radical Anions." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 316-318:251-258.  doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2012.01.006
  • Bateman AP, J Laskin, A Laskin, and S Nizkorodov. 2012. "Applications of High-Resolution Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry to Measurements of Average Oxygen to Carbon Ratios in Secondary Organic Aerosols." Environmental Science & Technology 46(15):8315-8324.  doi:10.1021/es3017254
  • Eckert PA, PJ Roach, A Laskin, and J Laskin. 2012. "Chemical Characterization of Crude Petroleum Using Nanospray Desorption Electrospray Ionization Coupled with High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry 84(3):1517-1525.  doi:10.1021/ac202801g
  • Fooshee DR, TB Nguyen, SA Nizkorodov, J Laskin, A Laskin, and P Baldi. 2012. "COBRA: A Computational Brewing Application for Predicting the Molecular Composition of Organic Aerosols." Environmental Science & Technology 46(11):6048-6055.  doi:10.1021/es3003734
  • Laskin J, BS Heath, PJ Roach, LH Cazares, and OJ Semmes. 2012. "Tissue Imaging Using Nanospray Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry 84(1):141-148.  doi:10.1021/ac2021322
  • Laskin J, PA Eckert, PJ Roach, BS Heath, SA Nizkorodov, and A Laskin. 2012. "Chemical Analysis of Complex Organic Mixtures Using Reactive Nanospray Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry 84(16):7179-7187.  doi:10.1021/ac301533z
  • Liu P, IT Lanekoff, J Laskin, HD Dewald, and H Chen. 2012. "Study of Electrochemical Reactions Using Nanospray Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry 84(13):5737-5743.  doi:10.1021/ac300916k
  • Nguyen TB, A Laskin, J Laskin, and S Nizkorodov. 2012. "Direct Aqueous Photochemistry of Isoprene High-NOx Secondary Organic Aerosol." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 14(27):9702-9714.  doi:10.1039/c2cp40944e
  • Nguyen TB, PB Lee, KM Updyke, DL Bones, J Laskin, A Laskin, and S Nizkorodov. 2012. "Formation of Nitrogen- and Sulfur-Containing Light-Absorbing Compounds Accelerated by Evaporation of Water from Secondary Organic Aerosols." Journal of Geophysical Research. D. (Atmospheres) 117:D01207.  doi:10.1029/2011JD016944
  • Watrous JD, PJ Roach, T Alexandrov, BS Heath, JY Yang, R Kersten, M vander Voort, K Pogliano, H Gross, JM Raaijmakers, BS Moore, J Laskin, N Bandeira, and PC Dorrestein. 2012. "Mass Spectral Molecular Networking of Living Microbial Colonies." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109(26):E1743-E1752.  doi:10.1073/pnas.1203689109


  • Johnson GE, CM Wang, TA Priest, and J Laskin. 2011. "Monodisperse Au11 Clusters Prepared by Soft Landing of Mass Selected Ions." Analytical Chemistry 83(21):8069-8072.  doi:10.1021/ac202520p
  • Johnson GE, O Hadjar, and J Laskin. 2011. "Characterization of the Ion Beam Focusing in a Mass Spectrometer using an IonCCD� Detector." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 22(8):1388-1394.  doi:10.1007/s13361-011-0154-4
  • Johnson GE, Q Hu, and J Laskin. 2011. "Soft Landing of Complex Molecules on Surfaces." Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 4(1):83-104.  doi:10.1146/annurev-anchem-061010-114028
  • Laskin J, and Z Yang. 2011. "Energetics and Dynamics of Dissociation of Deprotonated Peptides: Fragmentation of Angiotensin Analogs." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 308(2-3):275-280.  doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2011.07.003
  • Laskin J, Z Yang, and AS Woods. 2011. "Competition between Covalent and Noncovalent Bond Cleavages in Dissociation of Phosphopeptide-Amine Complexes." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 13(15):6936-6946.  doi:10.1039/C1CP00029B
  • Roach PJ, J Laskin, and A Laskin. 2011. "Higher-Order Mass Defect Analysis for Mass Spectra of Complex Organic Mixtures." Analytical Chemistry 83(12):4924-4929.  doi:10.1021/ac200654j
  • Bateman AP, S Nizkorodov, J Laskin, and A Laskin. 2011. "Photolytic processing of secondary organic aerosols dissolved in cloud droplets." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 13(26):12199-12212.  doi:10.1039/c1cp20526a
  • Campbell CT, AK Datye, GA Henkelman, RF Lobo, WF Schneider, LD Spicer, WT Tysoe, JM Vohs, DR Baer, DW Hoyt, S Thevuthasan, KT Mueller, CM Wang, NM Washton, I Lyubinetsky, RG Teller, A Andersen, N Govind, K Kowalski, BC Kabius, H Wang, AA Campbell, WA Shelton, EJ Bylaska, CHF Peden, Y Wang, DL King, MA Henderson, RJ Rousseau, J Szanyi, Z Dohnalek, D Mei, BC Garrett, D Ray, JH Futrell, J Laskin, DL DuBois, LR Kuprat, and C Plata. 2011. EMSL and Institute for Integrated Catalysis (IIC) Catalysis WorkshopPNNL-20426, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. 
  • Chang-Graham AL, LT Profeta, TJ Johnson, RJ Yokelson, A Laskin, and J Laskin. 2011. "Case Study of Water-Soluble Metal Containing Organic Constituents of Biomass Burning Aerosol." Environmental Science & Technology 45(4):1257-1263.  doi:10.1021/es103010j
  • Chu IK, and J Laskin. 2011. "Review: Formation of Peptide Radical Ions Through Dissociative Electron Transfer in Ternary Metal-Ligand-Peptide Complexes." European Journal of Mass Spectrometry 17(6):543-556.  doi:10.1255/ejms.1156
  • Hadjar O, GE Johnson, J Laskin, G Kibelka, SM Shill, K Kuhn, C Cameron, and S Kassan. 2011. "IonCCD� for direct position-sensitive charged-particle detection: from electrons and keV ions to hyperthermal biomolecular ions." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 22(4):612-623.  doi:10.1007/s13361-010-0067-7
  • Huang H, J Shi, J Laskin, Z Liu, DS McVey, and XS Sun. 2011. "Design of a shear-thinning recoverable peptide hydrogel from native sequences and application for influenza H1N1 vaccine adjuvant." Soft Matter 7(19):8905-8912.  doi:10.1039/C1SM05157A
  • Nguyen TB, J Laskin, A Laskin, and S Nizkorodov. 2011. "Nitrogen Containing Organic Compounds and Oligomers in Secondary Organic Aerosol Formed by Photooxidation of Isoprene." Environmental Science & Technology 45(16):6908-6918.  doi:10.1021/es201611n
  • Nguyen TB, PJ Roach, J Laskin, A Laskin, and S Nizkorodov. 2011. "Effect of Humidity on the Composition of Isoprene Photooxidation Secondary Organic Aerosol." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11(14):6931-3699.  doi:10.5194/acp-11-6931-2011
  • Nizkorodov S, J Laskin, and A Laskin. 2011. "Molecular Chemistry of Organic Aerosols Through the Application of High Resolution Mass Spectrometry." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 13(9):3612-3629.  doi:10.1039/c0cp02032j
  • Peng WP, GE Johnson, IC Fortmeyer, P Wang, O Hadjar, RG Cooks, and J Laskin. 2011. "Redox Chemistry in Thin Layers of Organometallic Complexes Prepared Using Ion Soft Landing." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 13(1):267-275.  doi:10.1039/C0CP01457E


  • Johnson GE, and J Laskin. 2010. "Preparation of Surface Organometallic Catalysts by Gas-Phase Ligand Stripping and Reactive Landing of Mass-Selected Ions." Chemistry - A European Journal 16(48):14433-14438.  doi:10.1002/chem.201002292
  • Johnson GE, M Lysonski, and J Laskin. 2010. "In Situ Reactivity and TOF SIMS Analysis of Surfaces Prepared by Soft and Reactive Landing of Mass Selected Ions." Analytical Chemistry 82(13):5718-5727.  doi:10.1021/ac100734g
  • Laskin J, P Wang, and O Hadjar. 2010. "Soft-Landing of CoIII(salen)+ and MnIII(salen)+ on Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114(12):5305-5311.  doi:10.1021/jp904384q
  • Laskin J, Z Yang, DC Ng, and IK Chu. 2010. "Fragmentation of alpha-Radical Cations of Arginine-Containing Peptides." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 21(4):511-521.  doi:10.1016/j.jasms.2009.12.021
  • Laskin J, Z Yang, T Song, C Lam, and IK Chu. 2010. "Effect of the Basic Residue on the Energetics, Dynamics and Mechanisms of Gas- Phase Fragmentation of Protonated Peptides." Journal of the American Chemical Society 132(45):16006-16016.  doi:10.1021/ja104438z
  • Roach PJ, J Laskin, and A Laskin. 2010. "Molecular Characterization of Organic Aerosols Using Nanospray Desorption/Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry 82(19):7979-7986.  doi:10.1021/ac101449p
  • Roach PJ, J Laskin, and A Laskin. 2010. "Nanospray Desorption Electrospray Ionization: an Ambient Method for Liquid-Extraction Surface Sampling in Mass Spectrometry." Analyst 135(9):2233-2236. 
  • Bateman AP, S Nizkorodov, J Laskin, and A Laskin. 2010. "High-Resolution Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Water- Soluble Organic Aerosols Collected with a Particle into Liquid Sampler ." Analytical Chemistry 82(19):8010-8016.  doi:10.1021/ac1014386
  • Futrell JH, and J Laskin. 2010. "Surface Ionization and Soft Landing Techniques in Mass Spectrometry." In Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry, 2nd Edition, ed. JC Lindon, GE Tranter and DW Koppenaal, pp. 2778-2787.  Elsevier Science & Technology Books, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 
  • Hu Q, P Wang, and J Laskin. 2010. "Effect of the surface on the secondary structure of soft landed peptide ions." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 12(39):12802-12810.  doi:10.1039/C0CP00825G
  • Laskin J, A Laskin, PJ Roach, GW Slysz, GA Anderson, S Nizkorodov, DL Bones, and L Nguyen. 2010. "High-Resolution Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Chemical Characterization of Organic Aerosols." Analytical Chemistry 82(5):2048-2058.  doi:10.1021/ac902801f
  • Ng DC, T Song, SO Siu, CK Siu, J Laskin, and IK Chu. 2010. "Formation, isomerization, and dissociation of alpha-carbon-centered and pi-centered glycylglycyltryptophan radical cations." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 114(6):2270-2280.  doi:10.1021/jp908599a
  • Nguyen TB, AP Bateman, DL Bones, S Nizkorodov, J Laskin, and A Laskin. 2010. "High-Resolution Mass Spectroscopic Analysis of Secondary Organic Aerosol Generated by Ozonolysis of Isoprene." Atmospheric Environment 44(8):1032-1042.  doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.12.019
  • Wang P, and J Laskin. 2010. "Surface Modification Using Reactive Landing of Mass-Selected Ions." Chapter Part 1 in Ion Beams in Nanoscience and Technology, pp. 37-65.  Springer, New York. 
  • Xu K, YW Zhang, B Tang, J Laskin, PJ Roach, and H Chen. 2010. "Study of Highly Selective and Efficient Thiol Derivatization using Selenium Reagents by Mass Spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry 82(16):6926-6932.  doi:10.1021/ac1011602


  • Bateman AP, S Nizkorodov, J Laskin, and A Laskin. 2009. "Time-Resolved Molecular Characterization of Limonene/Ozone Aerosol using High-Resolution Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP (11):7931-7942.  doi:10.1039/b905288g
  • Hadjar O, P Wang, JH Futrell, and J Laskin. 2009. "Effect of the Surface on Charge Reduction and Desorption Kinetics of Soft Landed Peptide Ions." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 20(6):901-906. 
  • Hu Q, P Wang, PL Gassman, and J Laskin. 2009. "In situ Studies of Soft- and Reactive Landing of Mass-Selected Ions Using Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy." Analytical Chemistry 81(17):7302-7308.  doi:10.1021/ac901149s
  • Laskin A, JS Smith, and J Laskin. 2009. "Molecular Characterization of Nitrogen Containing Organic Compounds in Biomass Burning Aerosols Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry." Environmental Science & Technology 43(10):3764-3771.  doi:10.1021/es803456n
  • Siu CK, J Zhao, J Laskin, IK Chu, AC Hopkinson, and KWM Siu . 2009. "Kinetics for Tautomerizations and Dissociations of Triglycine Radical Cations." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 20(6):996-1005. 
  • Smith JS, A Laskin, and J Laskin. 2009. "Molecular Characterization of Biomass Burning Aerosols Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry 81(4):1512-1521.  doi:10.1021/ac8020664
  • Song T, C Lam, DC Ng, G Orlova, J Laskin, DC Fang, and IK Chu. 2009. "Experimental and Computational Studies of the Macrocyclic Effect of an Auxiliary Ligand on Electron and Proton Transfers Within Ternary Copper(II)-Histidine Complexes ." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 20(6):972-984. 
  • Spraggins JM, JA Lloyd, MV Johnston, J Laskin, and DP Ridge. 2009. "Fragmentation Mechanisms of Oxidized Peptides Elucidated by SID, RRKM Modeling and Molecular Dynamics." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 20(9):1579-1592.  doi:10.1016/j.jasms.2009.04.012
  • Yang Z, ER Vorpagel, and J Laskin. 2009. "Influence of the Charge State on the Structures and Interactions of Vancomycin Antibiotics with Cell-Wall Analogue Peptides: Experimental and Theoretical Studies." Chemistry - a European Journal 15(9):2081-2090.  doi:10.1002/chem.200802010


  • Laskin J, P Wang, and O Hadjar. 2008. "Soft-Landing of Peptide IOns Onto Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces: an Overview." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 10(8):1079-1090.  doi:10.1039/b712710c
  • Laskin J, Z Yang, and IK Chu. 2008. "Energetics and Dynamics of Electron Transfer and Proton Transfer in Dissociation of Metal III (salen)-Peptide Complexes in the Gas Phase." Journal of the American Chemical Society 130(10):3218-3230.  doi:10.1021/ja077690s
  • Bateman AP, ML Walser, Y Dessiaterik, J Laskin, A Laskin, and S Nizkorodov. 2008. "The Effect of Solvent on the Analysis of Secondary Organic Aerosol Using Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry." Environmental Science & Technology 42(19):7341-7346.  doi:10.1021/es801226w
  • Walser ML, Y Dessiaterik, J Laskin, A Laskin, and S Nizkorodov. 2008. "High-Resolution Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Secondary Organic Aerosol Produced by Ozonation of Limonene." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 10(7):1009-1022.  doi:10.1039/b712620d
  • Wang P, and J Laskin. 2008. "Helical Peptide Arrays on Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces Through Soft and Reactive Landing of Mass-Selected Ions." Angewandte Chemie International Edition 47:6678-6680.  doi:10.1002/anie.200801366
  • Wang P, O Hadjar, PL Gassman, and J Laskin. 2008. "Reactive Landing of Peptide Ions on Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces: A Alternative Approach for Covalent Immobilization of Peptides on Surfaces." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 10(11):1512-1522.  doi:10.1039/b717617a
  • Yang Z, C Lam, IK Chu, and J Laskin. 2008. "The Effect of the Secondary Structure on Dissociation of Peptide Radical Cations: Fragmentation of Angiotensin III and Its Analogues." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112(39):12468-12478.  doi:10.1021/jp805226x
  • Yang Z, ER Vorpagel, and J Laskin. 2008. "Experimental and Theoretical Studies of the Structures and Interactions of Vancomycin Antibiotics with Cell Wall Analogues." Journal of the American Chemical Society 130(39):13013-13022.  doi:10.1021/ja802643g


  • Cannon WR, DJ Taasevigen, DJ Baxter, and J Laskin. 2007. "Evaluation of the Influence of Amino Acid Composition on the Propensity for Collision-Induced Dissociation of Model Peptides Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 18(9):1625-1637.  doi:10.1016/j.jasms.2007.06.005
  • Laskin J, JH Futrell, and IK Chu. 2007. "Is Dissociation of Peptide Radical Cations an Ergodic Process?" Journal of the American Chemical Society 129(31):9598-9599. 
  • Laskin J, P Wang, O Hadjar, JH Futrell, J Alvarez, and RG Cooks. 2007. "Charge Retention by Peptide Ions Soft-Landed onto Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 265(1):237-243. 
  • Laskin J, Z Yang, C Lam, and IK Chu. 2007. "Charge-Remote Fragmentation of Odd-Electron Peptide Ions." Analytical Chemistry 79(17):6607-6614.  doi:10.1021/ac070777b
  • Fu Y, J Laskin, and LS Wang. 2007. "Electronic Structure and Fragmentation Properties of [Fe4S4(SEt)4-X(SSEt)x]2-." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 263(2-3):260-266. 
  • Hadjar O, JH Futrell, and J Laskin. 2007. "First Observation of Charge Reduction and Desorption Kinetics of Multiply Protonated Peptides Soft Landed onto Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces." Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111(49):18220-18225.  doi:10.1021/jp075293y
  • Hadjar O, P Wang, JH Futrell, Y Dessiaterik, Z Zhu, JP Cowin, MJ Iedema, and J Laskin. 2007. "Design and Performance of a Novel Instrument for Soft-Landing of Biomolecular Ions on Surfaces." Analytical Chemistry 79(17):6566-6574.  doi:10.1021/ac070600h
  • Lioe H, J Laskin, GE Reid, and RA O'Hair. 2007. "Energetics and Dynamics of the Fragmentation Reactions of Protonated Peptides Containing Methionine Sulfoxide or Aspartic Acid via Energy- and Time-Resolved Surface Induced Dissociation." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 111(42):10580-10588.  doi:10.1021/jp073040z
  • Wang P, O Hadjar, and J Laskin. 2007. "Covalent Immobilization of Peptides on Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces Using Soft-Landing of Mass-Selected Ions." Journal of the American Chemical Society 129:8682-8683. 
  • Yang Z, O Hadjar, and J Laskin. 2007. "Effect of the Surface Morphology on the Energy Transfer in Ion-Surface Collisions." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 265(1):124-129.  doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2007.01.018


  • Laskin J, TH Bailey, and JH Futrell. 2006. "Mechanisms of Peptide Fragmentation from Time-and Energy-Resolved Surface-Induced Dissociation Studies: Dissociation of Angiotensin Analogs." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 249-250:462-472. 
  • Laskin J. 2006. "Energetics and Dynamics of Fragmentation of Protonated Leucine Enkephalin from Time-and Energy-Resolved Surface-Induced Dissociation Studies." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 110(27):8554-8562. 
  • Laskin J. 2006. "Energy and Entropy Effects in the Gas-Phase Dissociation of Peptides and Proteins." In Principles of Mass Spectrometry Applied to Biomolecules: Wiley-Interscience Series on Mass Spectrometry, ed. J. Laskin and C. Lifshitz, pp. 619-666.  John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ. 
  • Alvarez J, JH Futrell, and J Laskin. 2006. "Soft-Landing of Peptides onto Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 110(4):1678-1687.  doi:10.1021/jp0555044
  • Fernandez F, VH Wysocki, JH Futrell, and J Laskin. 2006. "Protein Identification Via Surface-Induced Dissociation in an FT-ICR Mass Spectrometer and a Patchwork Sequencing Approach." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 17(5):700-709. 
  • Fu Y, J Laskin, and LS Wang. 2006. "Collision Induced Dissociation of [4Fe-4S] Cubane Cluster Complexes: [Fe4S4C14-x(SC2H5)x]2-/1- (x=0-4)." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 255-256:102-110.  doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2005.12.009
  • Lloyd JA, JM Spraggins, MV Johnston, and J Laskin. 2006. "Peptide Ozonolysis: Product Structures and Relative Reactivities for Oxidation of Tyrosine and Histidine Residues ." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 17(9):1289-1298.  doi:10.1016/j.jasms.2006.05.009


  • Laskin J, and JH Futrell. 2005. "Activation of Large Ions in FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry." Mass Spectrometry Reviews 24(2):135-167. 
  • Alvarez J, RG Cooks, SE Barlow, DJ Gaspar, JH Futrell, and J Laskin. 2005. "Preparation and in situ Characterization of Surfaces Using Soft-Landing in a Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometer." Analytical Chemistry 77(11):3452-3460. 
  • Gologan B, JR Green, J Alvarez, J Laskin, and RG Cooks. 2005. "Ion/Surface Reactions and Ion Soft-Landing." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. PCCP 7:1490-1500. 


  • Laskin J, KM Beck, JJ Hache, and JH Futrell. 2004. "Surface-Induced Dissociation of Ions Produced by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization in a Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometer." Analytical Chemistry 76(2):351-356. 
  • Laskin J, TH Bailey, and JH Futrell. 2004. "Fragmentation Energetics for Angiotensin II and its Analogs from Time-and Energy-Resolved Surface-Induced Dissociation Studies." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 234(1-3):89-99. 
  • Laskin J. 2004. "Energetics and Dynamics of Peptide Fragmentation from Multiple-Collision Activation and Surface-Induced Dissociation Studies." European Journal of Mass Spectrometry 10(2):259-267. 
  • Laskin J. 2004. "Energetics and Dynamics of Peptide Fragmentation from Multiple-Collision Activation and Surface-Induced Dissociation Studies." European Journal of Mass Spectrometry 10(2):259-267.  doi:10.1255/ejms.641
  • Hache JJ, JH Futrell, and J Laskin. 2004. "Relative Proton Affinities from Kinetic Energy Release Distributions for Dissociation of Proton-Bound Dimers: 2. Diamines as a Test Case." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 233:223-231. 
  • Nemykin VN, J Laskin, and P Basu. 2004. "Isolation, Characterization of an Intermediate in an Oxygen Atom-Transfer Reaction, and the Determination of the Bond Dissociation Energy." Journal of the American Chemical Society 126(28):8604-8605. 


  • Laskin J, and JH Futrell. 2003. "Collisional Activation of Peptide Ions in FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry." Mass Spectrometry Review 22:158-181. 
  • Laskin J, and JH Futrell. 2003. "Energy Transfer in Collisions of Peptide Ions with Surfaces." Journal of Chemical Physics 119(6):3413-3420. 
  • Laskin J, and JH Futrell. 2003. "Entropy is the Major Driving Force for Fragmentation of Proteins and Protein-Ligand Complexes in the Gas-Phase." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 107:5836-5839. 
  • Laskin J, and JH Futrell. 2003. "Surface-Induced Dissociation of Peptide Ions: Kinetics and Dynamics." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 14(12):1340-1347.  doi:10.1016/j.jasms.2003.08.004
  • Laskin J, JH Futrell, and AK Shukla. 2003. "Surface-Induced Dissociation of Peptide Ions: Kinetics and Dynamics." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 14(12):1340-1347. 
  • Laskin J, T Bailey, and JH Futrell. 2003. "Shattering of Peptide Ions on Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces. ." Journal of the American Chemical Society 125(6):1625-1632. 
  • Laskin J, TH Bailey, and JH Futrell. 2003. "Shattering of Peptide Ions on Self-Assembled Monolayer Surfaces." Journal of the American Chemical Society 125(6):1625-1632. 
  • Bailey TH, J Laskin, and JH Futrell. 2003. "Energetics of Selective Cleavage at Acidic Residues Studied by Time-and Energy-Resolved Surface-Induced Dissociation in FT-ICR-MS." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 222(1-3):313-327. 


  • Laskin J, and JH Futrell. 2002. "On the Efficiency of Energy Transfer in Collisional Activation of Small Peptides." Journal of Chemical Physics 116(10):4302-4310. 
  • Laskin J, E Denisov, AK Shukla, SE Barlow, and JH Futrell. 2002. "Surface-induced dissociation in a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer: Instrument design and evaluation." Analytical Chemistry 74:3255-3261. 
  • Laskin J, EV Denisov, and JH Futrell. 2002. "Fragmentation Energetics of Small Peptides from Multiple-Collision Activation and Surface-Induced Dissociation in FT-ICR MS." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 219(1):189-201. 
  • Laskin J, EV Denisov, and JH Futrell. 2002. "Fragmentation Energetics of Small Peptides from Multiple-Collision Activation and Surface-Induced Dissociation in FT-ICR MS." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 219:189-201. 
  • Laskin J, T Bailey, EV Denisov, and JH Futrell. 2002. "On the Relative Stability of Singly Protonated des-Arg1 and des-Arg9 Bradykinins. ." Journal of Physical Chemistry A (106):9832-9836. 
  • Hache JJ, J Laskin, and JH Futrell. 2002. "Relative Proton Affinities from Kinetic Energy Release Distributions for Dissociation of Proton-Bound Dimers." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 106(50):12051-12057. 
  • Nesatyy VJ, and J Laskin. 2002. ""Dissociation of Noncovalent Protein Complexes by Triple Quadrupole Tandem Mass Spectrometry: Comparison of Monte Carlo Simulation and Experiment"." International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 221(3):245-262. 


  • Laskin J, EV Denisov, and JH Futrell. 2001. "A Comparative Study of Collision-Induced and Surface-Induced Dissociation. II. Fragmentation of Small Alanine-Containing Peptides in FT-ICR MS. ." Journal of Physical Chemistry B 105(9):1895-1900. 


  • Laskin J, EV Denisov, and JH Futrell. 2000. "A Comparative Study of Collision-Induced and Surface-Induced Dissociation. I Fragmentation of Protonated Dialanine." Journal of the American Chemical Society 122(40):9703-9714. 
  • Laskin J, and JH Futrell. 2000. "Internal Energy Distributions Resulting from Sustained Off-Resonance Excitation in Fourier Transform Ion Syclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry.II. Fragmentation of the 1-Bromonaphthalene Radical Cation ." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 104(23):5484-5494. 
  • Laskin J, and JH Futrell. 2000. "The Theoretical Basis of the Kinetic Method from the point of View of Finite Heat Bath Theory." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 104(38):8829-8837. 

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