Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents
• Part Number: 1915
• Part Title: Occup. Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment
• Subpart: G
• Subpart Title: Gear and Equipment for Rigging and Materials Handling
• Standard Number: 1915.118
• Title: Tables.

The provisions of this section apply to ship repairing, shipbuilding and shipbreaking.

Table E-1 - Dimensions and Spacing of Wood Independent-Pole Scaffold

                               |   Light duty (Up to 25 pounds
                               | per square  foot)-Height in feet
    Structural members         |____________________________________
                               |            |            |
                               |    <24     |   >24<40   |  >40<60
                               |            |            |
Poles or uprights (in inches)..|        2x4 | 3x4 or 2x6 |      4x4
Bearers (in inches) ...........|        2x6 |        2x6 |      2x6
Ledgers (in inches) ...........|        2x6 |        2x6 |      2x6
Stringers (not supporting      |            |            |
 bearers) (in inches) .........|        1x6 |        1x6 |      1x6
Braces (in inches) ............|        1x4 |        1x6 |      1x6
Pole spacing-longitudinally    |            |            |
 (in feet) ....................|      7 1/2 |      7 1/2 |    7 1/2
Pole spacing-transversely      |            |            |
 (in feet) ....................| 6 1/2  min |  7 1/2 min |8 1/2 min
Ledger spacing-vertically      |            |            |
 (in feet) ....................|          7 |          7 |        7
Poles or uprights (in inches)..|        3x4 |        4x4 |     4x6
Bearers (in inches) ...........|        2x8 |        2x8 |     2x10
Ledgers (in inches) ...........|        2x8 |        2x8 |     2x8
Stringers (not supporting      |            |            |
 bearers) (in inches) .........|        1x6 |        1x6 |     1x6
Braces (in inches) ............|        1x6 |        1x6 |     1x6
Pole spacing-longitudinally    |            |            |
 (in feet) ....................|          7 |          7 |       7
Pole spacing-transversely      |            |            |
 (in feet) ....................|      6 1/2 |         10 |      10
Ledger spacing-vertically      |            |            |
 (in feet) ....................|      4 1/2 |      4 1/2 |   4 1/2

Table E-2 - Specifications for Side Rails of Ladders
                  |     Cross section (in inches)
 Length (in feet) |___________________________________
                  |                |
                  |     At ends    |  At center
                  |                |
15 ...............|  1 7/8 x 2 3/4 |  1 7/8 x 3 3/4
16 ...............|  1 7/8 x 2 3/4 |  1 7/8 x 3 3/4
18 ...............|      1 7/8 x 3 |      1 7/8 x 4
20 ...............|      1 7/8 x 3 |      1 7/8 x 4
24 ...............|      1 7/8 x 3 |  1 7/8 x 4 1/2

Table E-3 - Specifications for the Construction of Horses
                      |      Height in feet
Structural members    |___________________________________
                      |            |          |
                      |    <10     |  >10<16  |  >16<20
                      |            |          |
                      | inches     | inches   | inches
                      |            |          |
Legs .................|      2 x 4 |    3 x 4 |    4 x 6
Bearers or headers....|      2 x 6 |    2 x 8 |    4 x 6
Crossbraces ..........|      2 x 4 |    2 x 4 |    2 x 6
                      |      or    |          |
                      |      1 x 8 |          |
Longitudinal braces...|      2 x 4 |    2 x 6 |    2 x 6

        Table E-4 - Safe Center Loads for Scaffold Plank of
         1,100 Pounds Fibre Stress
Span  |                 Lumber dimensions in inches
 in   |_________________________________________________________
feet  |      |          |      |         |     |
      |   A  |    B     |  A   |    B    |  A  |      B
      |      |          |      |         |     |
      | 2x10 | 1 5/8 x  | 2x12 | 1 5/8 x | 3x8 | 2 5/8 x 7 1/2
      |      |  9 1/2   |      |  11 1/2 |     |
      |      |          |      |         |     |
6 ....|  256 |          |  309 |         | 526 |
8 ....|  192 |          |  232 |         | 395 |
10 ...|  153 |          |  186 |         | 316 |
12 ...|  128 |          |  155 |         | 263 |
14 ...|  110 |          |  133 |         | 225 |
16 ...|      |          |  116 |         | 197 |
6 ....|  667 |          |  807 |         |     |
8 ....|  500 |          |  605 |         |     |
10 ...|  400 |          |  484 |         |     |
12 ...|  333 |          |  404 |         |     |
14 ...|  286 |          |  346 |         |     |
16 ...|  250 |          |  303 |         |     |
Footnote(A) Rough lumber.
Footnote(B) Dressed lumber.

                       |                     |
                       |  Number of clips    |
 Improved plow steel,  |_____________________| Minimum spacing,
rope diameter, inches  |  Drop   |   Other   |     inches
                       | forged  |  material |
                       |         |           |
(1) ...................| ....... | ......... | ..................
1/2 ...................|       3 |         4 |                  3
5/8 ...................|       3 |         4 |              3 3/4
3/4 ...................|       4 |         5 |              4 1/2
7/8 ...................|       4 |         5 |              5 1/4
1 .....................|       4 |         6 |                  6
1 1/8 .................|       5 |         6 |              6 3/4
1 1/4 .................|       5 |         7 |              7 1/2
1 3/8 .................|       6 |         7 |              8 1/4
1 1/2 .................|       6 |         8 |                  9
Footnote(1) Three clips shall be used on wire size less than
1/2 - inch diameter.

             ANY POINT OF LINK
                       | Maximum
                       | allowable
Chain size in inches   | wear in
                       | fractions
                       | of inches
1/4 (9/32) ............|      3/64
3/8 ...................|      5/64
1/2 ...................|      7/64
5/8 ...................|      9/64
3/4 ...................|      5/32
7/8 ...................|     11/64
1 .....................|      3/16
1 1/8 .................|      7/32
1 1/4 .................|       1/4
1 3/8 .................|      9/32
1 1/2 .................|      5/16
1 3/4 .................|     11/32

[61 fr 26321, May 24, 1996; 67 FR 44543, July 3, 2002; 76 FR 33610, July 8, 2011]

Next Standard (1915.120) Next Standard (1915.120)

Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR) - Table of Contents