U.S. Department of Justice

Making the Media Work for You in the 21st Century [Satellite/Internet Broadcast]

Publication year: 2006 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

Library ID

  • 020869

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  • 2006
  • 2 video DVDs (161 min.)

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ANNOTATION: This 3-hour program, originally broadcast on May 3, 2006, will help agencies build a proactive communication strategy for working in partnership with the media and the public. An agency's communication plan is as essential to its operations as its emergency preparation. Too often, an agency's first contact with the media is reactionary and after the fact. When the media contacts an agency concerning various situations and circumstances, individuals and agencies often find themselves on the defensive facing a barrage of questions and inquiries. The objectives of this broadcast are to help participants: Understand the role of the media and the "public's right to know." Develop strategies and techniques to work effectively and succinctly with the media. Develop a comprehensive communication plan. Build a working relationship with the media, legislature, and local public interest organizations.

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