U.S. Department of Justice

No More “My Way or the Highway”: Embracing the 21st Century Workforce
  • [Satellite/Internet Broadcast held November 19,2008]
  • Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Apr. 24, 2009

    Library ID

    • 023425

    Other Information

    • 2008
    • 3 DVDs (156 min.) + 1 CD

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    Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Collaboration within today’s multigenerational workplace gets everybody involved with a common goal. Today’s workforce poses both challenges and opportunities for agency leaders. Developing effective strategies to recruit, communicate, train, retain, and lead staff is essential to high performance. Topics discussed during this 3-hour program will include the following:
    • Appreciating the strengths and weaknesses of each generation in the workplace
    • Recognizing the relationship between generational differences and an agency’s culture
    • Taking an inventory of your agency--the questions you need to ask to gather a breakdown of generational numbers
    • Understanding policy considerations
    • Developing partnerships with other criminal justice agencies and academia
    • Developing strategies—including leadership development strategies— that ready your agency for the 21st century workforce

    Vignettes and a PowerPoint presentation are also included.
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