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Introduced in House (12/01/2010)

Recognizes the 22nd anniversary of observing World AIDS Day.

Expresses support for: (1) the goals and ideals of World AIDS Day; (2) continued funding for prevention, care, treatment services, and research programs for persons living with HIV/AIDS in the United States and for the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria; (3) implementation of a national AIDS strategy; (4) the goals of providing universal access to comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, care, and support programs and protecting human rights for all people, including vulnerable and marginalized populations; and (5) efforts to address the factors that make populations vulnerable to HIV/AIDS by decreasing poverty and hunger, expanding educational opportunities for children, and empowering women.

Commends: (1) the President and state and local governments for recognizing World AIDS Day and for encouraging individuals to undergo HIV testing; (2) media organizations for carrying messages in support of World AIDS Day; and (3) the work of AIDS service organizations and community and faith based organizations that are providing treatment, care, and support services to people living with and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS.