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Congressman Jim Marshall Sworn in as President of USIP

Congressman Jim Marshall Sworn in as President of USIP

Congressman Jim Marshall (2003-2011) was sworn in as the next president of USIP on September 14, succeeding Richard H. Solomon.

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U.S. Ambassador and 3 Staffers Killed in Libya

U.S. Ambassador and 3 Staffers Killed in Libya

USIP President Richard H. Solomon said, “[Their] deaths remind us all of the courage and sacrifices made by our State Department partners… [It] is a tragic loss for the country and the Institute – and indeed for the cause of peace and stabilization in Libya.”

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Colombian Peace Talks

Colombian Peace Talks

The Colombian government announced that it will begin peace negotiations with the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC), signaling a potential end to the hemisphere’s longest-running armed conflict. USIP’s Virginia Bouvier examines the steps ahead.

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"The Day After" Project Releases Report on Syrian Transition

"The Day After" Project Releases Report on Syrian Transition

"The Day After" project, a Syrian-led effort to plan for a post-Assad Syria, releases a comprehensive, inclusive plan for a transition in the event the opposition succeeds in bringing about the fall of the current regime.

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USIP's New Blog, a Conversation on Security, Stability, and Peacebuilding

The Olive Branch: USIP’s new blog, a conversation on security, stability and peacebuilding.

New posts: "Colombian Peace Talks on the Horizon" and "Mission Accomplished at the OIC's Meeting?."

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