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AHRQ grantee in the spotlight

Penny H. Feldman, Ph.D., and Margaret V. McDonald, M.S.W., C.S.W., of the Center for Home Care Policy and Research for the Visiting Nurse Service of New York are being honored by the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau, for their article "Conducting translation research in the home care setting: lessons from a just-in-time reminder study." The article, based on research supported by AHRQ (HS10542), has been selected as the 2005 recipient of the "Best of Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing."

Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing is a peer-reviewed journal that provides knowledge synthesis and research articles on best evidence to support best practices globally for nurses in a wide range of roles, from clinical practice and education to administration and public health care policy. This award is one of several international awards that are conferred biennially at the honor society's international convention in the areas of technology, media, chapter excellence, research, and leadership.

The article examines issues in implementing evidence-based practice in home health care, a decentralized setting that lacks strong peer contact or on-site support and supervision compared with hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes. The authors demonstrate that translational research on the effectiveness of an E-mail reminder (by itself or augmented with other reminders) to nurses about treatment of heart failure or cancer pain patients can be successfully conducted in the home health care setting.

More details can be found in the article "Conducting translation research in the home care setting: Lessons from a just-in-time reminder study," by Dr. Feldman and Ms. McDonald, in Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 1, pp. 49-59, 2004.

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