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2010 Energy Conference: Short-Term Stresses, Long-Term Change
Steven Chu, Secretary of
Steve Bolze, President/CEO, Power and Water, GE Energy Richard Newell, EIA Administrator, and Lawrence Summers,
Director of the National
Economic Council
Phil Sharp, President, Resources for the Future Secretary Chu answering questions from the media
Photo credits: EIA and Kaveh Sardari    
Plenary keynote addresses:
Dr. Richard Newell
Dr. Steven Chu
Steve Bolze
Dr. Phil Sharp
Dr. Lawrence Summers
Conference Presentations:
(All presentations are in PDF format)

U.S. Climate Change Policy: What's Next After Copenhagen?

Biofuels: Continuing Shifts in the Industry and Long-Term Outlook

EIA's 2010 Annual Energy Outlook Highlights

Short-Term Energy Prices — What Drivers Matter Most?

Energy and the Economy

Regulating Energy Commodities

Natural Gas: U.S. Markets in a Global Context

Smart Grid: Impacts on Electric Power Supply and Demand

Energy Efficiency: Measuring Gains and Quantifying Opportunities

The Energy-Water Nexus: Availability and Impacts

View conference agenda

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