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Annual Performance Report FY 2010 Annual Performance Plan FY 2011

I am pleased to submit the Office of Inspector General’s
combined Fiscal Year 2010 Annual Performance Report and
Fiscal Year 2011 Annual Performance Plan.
Over the past year, much of our work has centered on oversight
of the Department of Energy’s efforts under the American
Recovery and Investment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). Under
the Recovery Act, the Department of Energy received just
under $40 billion for various energy, environmental, and
science programs and initiatives. In addition, the Recovery Act
also created the Recovery Accountability and Transparency
Board, in recognition of the need for effective oversight to protect taxpayer’s interest. Under the
statue, the Department of Energy’s Inspector General is a member of the Board.
In line with the spirit of the Recovery Act, our goal is to work with Department management to
maximize efforts to achieve programmatic accountability and transparency. Moving forward, we
plan to continue our focus on helping management achieve the programmatic objectives of the
Recovery Act as they apply to the Department of Energy. We also plan to continue our efforts
in other vital Department sectors, including areas such as environmental remediation, stockpile
stewardship, worker and community safety, cyber security and various aspects of contract and
program management.
My staff and I are committed to the many challenges facing the Department and we look forward
to working with our Department of Energy colleagues in the interest of the American people.