Table 2. U.S. Forward-Cost Uranium Reserves by Mining Method, Year-End 2008
Mining Method $50 per pound $100 per pound
(million tons)
(percent U3O8)
(million pounds)
(million tons)
(percent U3O8)
(million pounds)
Underground 76 0.142% 215 323 0.094% 608
Openpit 54 0.086% 93 260 0.063% 325
In Situ Leaching 145 0.080% 230 241 0.060% 289
Other <0.5 0.152% 1 4 0.064% 5
Total 275 0.098% 539 828 0.074% 1,227
aAverage percent U3O8 per ton of ore.
Notes: Uranium reserves that could be recovered as a byproduct of phosphate and copper mining are not included in this table. Reserves values in forward-cost categories are cumulative: that is, the quantity at $100 per pound U3O8 includes all reserves up to and including that cost. Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. See EIA Glossary for definition of reserves. “Reserves,” as reported here, do not necessarily imply compliance with U.S. or Canadian government definitions for purposes of investment disclosure. Sources: Estimated by Energy Information Administration, Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels, based on company reports, industry conferences, and U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Office, files.