CNN w/ Soledad O'Brien on IG Report

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Published on Sep 20, 2012 by

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  • Whatever happened to truthful, unbiased journalism? It doesn't exist in the MSM. Fox lies...MSNBC is completely left biased...and CNN is just as bad. Soledad is just a cheerleader for the Obama administration and the DNC. But thank you, Congressman Gowdy for standing with truth and justice!!!

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  • Soledad O'Brien needs a new profession. McDonald's always needs cashiers! If Brian Terry was my Son, Father or Brother I damn sure would want to know the whole truth and that being said Eric Holder is the top DOJ official he should be held accountable. He should hold himself accountable and at least resign. That's what an honorable man would do. Not being aware of something of this magnitude on his watch.. 1000's of guns walked and 100's of people lost their lives. Hang them all Mr. Gowdy.

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