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YouTube Federal Partner Channels
<< Main TOS page
>> Step 1: Sign the Legal Agreement
The federal government has negotiated Terms of Service (TOS) agreements with several social media providers. Here are the instructions for working with YouTube.



  1. Review the YouTube General Terms of Service and YouTube Terms of Service (TOS) agreement that has been negotiated for federal agencies. This is the standard agreement for federal agencies; modifications will not be accepted.
  1. Work with your agency's YouTube point-of-contact (POC) and your Office of General Counsel to ensure the agreement is acceptable. If your agency isn't listed on the POC list, please edit that page to add the appropriate contact person.
  1. If you determine that your agency can enter into an agreement with Google for YouTube partner channels, follow the steps outlined here.

How to create a federal partner channel on YouTube

      Step 1: Sign the legal agreement (This document accessible for Forum members only.)

      Step 2: Sign up for a channel and have it branded (This document accessible for Forum members only.)

      Step 3: Build your channel with videos (This document accessible for Forum members only.)



     How to Reclaim a YouTube Username (This document accessible for Forum members only.)


     For State Governments: State Governments on YouTube (PDF, 18 KB, 2 pgs,  Jan 2010)

<< Read more about Terms of Service agreements with YouTube and other social media providers

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